Roseville, CA
age: 26
I am having some people over for the big game and was thinking about making quite a few homemade appetizers such as 9 layer bean dip, guacamole, southwestern salsa, mini-pizzas, some type of cheese/veggie platter and probably some type of brownies or cookies. (Maybe football cookies if I really get into it)
Anyone else have any cooking plans for the big day? Any other suggestions on what to cook for the football fans??

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
You could buy a bag of regular Bugles and dip them in a variety of different canned frostings and top them with sprinkles or coconut. Or you could fill them with different spray cheeses, with an olive slice for decorations. Sort of tastey little miniture cornicopias.
I made a tastey treat of saltines topped with salmon cream cheese, and garnished with green olive slices. Or you could sprinkle them with dill weed too.

Michigan City, IN
age: 43
well sweedish meatballs work well,,and i tried a new 1 cut up polish kielbasa and put in crockpot,pour applesauce over it and sprinkle some cinnamon on it,mmmmmmmmmm they are good

Oakdale, CT
age: 25
My mom makes these sweet-ish meatballs with grape jelly and chili sauce. Everybody really enjoys them.

Roseville, CA
age: 26
Thanks for the suggestions! I ended up making lots of stuff... Here a pic of some cookies I made for the big day:


Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Pretty cool! Very inventive!
Thanks for sharing!