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2/7/2008 6:41:18 AM |
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Lacombe, LA
age: 46 online now!
i here you jksis, and i believe in you, you are just trying to help other, and that,s all ways a wonderful thing, we all need help trying to understand what someone might be trying to say, only the heart, know,s the true, but we can judge, yery quick, and make a misake i seen on here, reading what other,s people said, and one quickly got mad, and throw, fire back, but if they would, have wait it, and seen with end, in the true, there was no reason to be bad. peace to us all, and learn how to love,
2/7/2008 9:00:27 PM |
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Huntersville, NC
age: 47 online now!
From a legal perspective you can tell the truth and still be guilty of slandering someone. It is probably confusing to a layperson because individuals in the public eye do not have the same protection under the law that those of us who are not in the public eye enjoy. So, even if you are telling the absolute truth, if it harms the individual youa are speaking of, and you have said those things publically, you may have liability.
That does not even begin to cover the situation where someone miscommunicates and believes someone did something but it is a misunderstanding.
Finally, I would be concerned that people would post false information. For example, if someone winks or Emails someone who does not respond, someone could retaliate by posting something about the person that was untrue.
We all need to proceed cautiously. There are a lot of good people in the world but pay attention as to whether their words and actions match - it will tell you a lot.
PS The above is not to be considered legal advice, JMO
2/7/2008 10:06:36 PM |
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White Oak, WV
age: 65
Ho do you close this thread ? Or can't it be closed?
2/7/2008 10:16:35 PM |
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White Oak, WV
age: 65
clse this thank you
2/7/2008 10:52:30 PM |
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Grand Junction, CO
age: 54
We often ask for what we do not want and want what we do not ask for.....
Truth hurts.... it's a fact... if my thread/blog/comments ect. bring comments I don't like I have to just hang with it and let it go... never wanted a thread of mine to die and if there was heat on a thread of mine or on a comment... I just have to take it or.... leave it.. either way.. it's take it and leave it....
Let it go... it will die.. and if it doesn't who cares .... if people don't like what we say.. one way or another that's there issue not ours... we have to live with ourselves...
Calmer comment...... Heard some good sound advice some time back.. like years.... Don't hang with people who always agree with you, it's not a great idea to surround yourself with people who are 'yes people' it's not good for us to always hear what we want to hear.... we need to hear the truth.... yes it's good for others to be tactful but if we aren't liseting then I guess we have to have them shout it louder or say it like it is...
fact or fiction.. it's an opinion as everything is.....
2/8/2008 3:21:37 AM |
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Mohawk, NY
age: 64 online now!
maybe the key to being anywhere on a dating site, one need to think and behave like an adult....if you think this is any different that anywhere else or real life, maybe you should close down your computer.
Come on, get real
The real thing that is wrong with anything like this, is generally one one person sounds off....and thus only one side...that is not fair...
get over it and move on.
Why embarass yourself by even posting anything about what didn't work????
EVERYONE...It was brought to my atention that this seemed directed at was is simply my opinion.....
[Edited 2/8/2008 3:33:02 PM]
2/9/2008 3:24:46 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I think it is wrong to post peoples names or nicknames on a site. How does anyone else know if you are just mad at this person?
2/9/2008 5:13:09 AM |
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Mohawk, NY
age: 64 online now!
I agree...and even more unless the person whose name will be listed has the chance to tell the other side of the story, it is just not fair....2 sides to every story!!!
This got played out in the 50+ group....and it was totally unfair as one person got hung, and the others got sympathy....
2/9/2008 7:03:00 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 62 online now!
I think people can only get burned if they allow it. And I diffenitely believe in two sides of a story.
2/10/2008 6:08:19 PM |
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Lacombe, LA
age: 46 online now!
amen, i read what avery body said. and do try to understand, what you are saying, i see no wrong, or right, like i said, i try to understand, if a person, choose to tell there signed of a bad thing, i see no wrong, but yes we do need , to remain how self, this is her, side, or his, and if one choose to try to help, some one for they believe they where, lie, to and miss treaded it. i understand, but if knew your daughter, was a good person, or son, and some kid or who ever, was going cheating, and doing wrong, is it wrong to say beware, they lie to me? i love you all, and still see you all right, but i do care for the true, is my gold. peace
2/14/2008 8:46:11 PM |
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Grand Junction, CO
age: 50
well im all for threads like this liars,cheaters and phonies need to be exposed beforwe they cause more damage.  