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9/3/2010 11:14:40 AM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 48
interesting article i found -what do you think?
You Look Angry
Hey, perma-scowl: Swap the pouty lips for a genuine, friendly smile and your eye candy for the night will be more likely to approach you. The majority of Answerology men agreed that an unfriendly facial expression will keep them from approaching you, so flash those pearly whites at the guy you've been eyeing!
interesting article i found -might give it some thought...
You're Not Locking Eyes
What's harder than approaching a stranger? Approaching a stranger who hasn't acknowledged your existence with even a brief look. "I need to see, by her looking and smiling at me, that she wants me to approach her. If I don't see it, I don't approach," says Anonymous. So next time you think he catches you looking at him, don't look away — hold your stare for a few seconds so he knows you're looking — and that you like what you see.
You're Too Flirtatious
A chip on your shoulder is a turnoff to any guy waiting to make his approach — but so is the other extreme. screennames is put off when women cross the line from friendly to flirty ... with everyone they see. "If she's flirting with lots of guys. Nothing like a woman who is basically telling everyone in the place that she's open for business with anyone," he says. "Flirting with everyone" would put him off, agrees Anonymous, adding another pet peeve: "Grinding out on the dance floor (yeah, it's fun to look at but I like to look at strippers too ... but I wouldn't take any home to meet my mom)." Sure, he'll notice you if you're the loudest, most aggressive girl in the room — but not in a good way.
You're Surrounded by Friends    
Admit it — your awesome group of friends can be a little intimidating, especially when a strange guy approaches to hit on just one of you. seancere writes, "Being surrounded by more than one friend makes her less approachable because of the embarrassment of being rejected in front of more people." Make sure you're giving him the opportunity to approach you alone — check out the jukebox and linger for a bit, or offer to grab the next round of drinks for your friends.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/3/2010 12:51:04 PM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |

Mesa, AZ
age: 51
Wow... learn something new everyday.......
9/3/2010 1:19:54 PM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |

Tempe, AZ
age: 48
interesting article i found -what do you think?
You Look Angry 
Hey, perma-scowl: Swap the pouty lips for a genuine, friendly smile and your eye candy for the night will be more likely to approach you. The majority of Answerology men agreed that an unfriendly facial expression will keep them from approaching you, so flash those pearly whites at the guy you've been eyeing!
interesting article i found -might give it some thought...
You're Not Locking Eyes 
What's harder than approaching a stranger? Approaching a stranger who hasn't acknowledged your existence with even a brief look. "I need to see, by her looking and smiling at me, that she wants me to approach her. If I don't see it, I don't approach," says Anonymous. So next time you think he catches you looking at him, don't look away — hold your stare for a few seconds so he knows you're looking — and that you like what you see.
You're Too Flirtatious 
A chip on your shoulder is a turnoff to any guy waiting to make his approach — but so is the other extreme. screennames is put off when women cross the line from friendly to flirty ... with everyone they see. "If she's flirting with lots of guys. Nothing like a woman who is basically telling everyone in the place that she's open for business with anyone," he says. "Flirting with everyone" would put him off, agrees Anonymous, adding another pet peeve: "Grinding out on the dance floor (yeah, it's fun to look at but I like to look at strippers too ... but I wouldn't take any home to meet my mom)." Sure, he'll notice you if you're the loudest, most aggressive girl in the room — but not in a good way.
You're Surrounded by Friends     
Admit it — your awesome group of friends can be a little intimidating, especially when a strange guy approaches to hit on just one of you. seancere writes, "Being surrounded by more than one friend makes her less approachable because of the embarrassment of being rejected in front of more people." Make sure you're giving him the opportunity to approach you alone — check out the jukebox and linger for a bit, or offer to grab the next round of drinks for your friends.
Great article! 
9/3/2010 1:59:55 PM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 60
make it easier on a guy
give us easy ways to approach
drink something out of the norm - merlot and soda water, midori collins-for the color
order an unusual appetizer- coconut shrimp
wear a belt or shoes, bluse, simple necklace
anything easy to strike up a conversation about

damn now i am hungry and thirsty
9/4/2010 10:00:03 PM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |

Scottsdale, AZ
age: 55
So true about why men dont approach. They really love to know that we are interested.
And....those drinks and coconut shrimp look devine!
9/5/2010 11:58:22 AM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |


Chandler, AZ
age: 53
I would like to know when men are going to be open minded enough to approach a gal that can clearly see but happens to have a white cane with red tip. When are men going to understand that this simple device has absolutely no relevance as to if I can "perform" like the other ladies. Actually, truth be known, I can and do surpass many ladies that do not have disabilities. It seems that the once a person has a disability the world seems to believe that they lack in sexual interest, activity or somehow no longer have a zest for life. Many of us with disabilities are some of the most sensitive and creative people due to what we have been able to achieve and overcome. I can keep my tennis partner running his butt off on the other side of the net. I have been able to have my past boyfriends see stars on the massage table. I will not even approach the sexual arena........ they can rarely keep up with me. Just wondering, that's all, oh....and yes I do have some slight paralysis on the side of my face. No past boyfriend has ever complained about it interfering with life except for eating soup. lol
9/7/2010 11:50:52 AM |
Ladies: why men aren't approaching |


Goodyear, AZ
age: 49
Hummm....Very interesting...It also does not help when friends tell someone that you are taken when it is not true...LOL