2/3/2008 9:18:41 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Hannibal, MO
age: 43
Anyone think that the weird weather is the signs in the skies that shows Jesus in near to coming?
2/4/2008 7:38:31 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Hermitage, AR
age: 33
no, quit looking , he will come when he comes.
2/5/2008 10:14:14 AM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Hannibal, MO
age: 43
I know HE will come when He comes. But HE told Peter that there will be signs in the skies when HE is near. But it is only the birth pangs. Ya Never know my friend.
2/5/2008 5:04:15 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
When He takes me home that will be the time, when He takes you home that will be the time.
The question should be “Are you ready if He comes four you Now?” Are you teaching the children to be ready now?
2/5/2008 9:19:49 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
Mathew 24
27:For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
29:Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened,and the moon will not give its light;the stars will fall from the sky,and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
30:At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.
31:And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
Is this what you are questioning?
2/6/2008 5:07:56 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Yes, I think we have a number of signs that Jesus coming is near----the weather, the way people are acting, greed,lust,,murders, and on and on--kids against parents--parents against kids--the list goes on----Yes--we need to be ready when that great day comes--and also try to witness to others--so they can go also::
God bless you all----Pat. 
2/7/2008 6:40:03 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Erlanger, KY
age: 21
nope just gw
2/10/2008 5:08:27 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
James i wouldnt worry about the end times.They are coming and nothing you do is gona change anything.Worry about today.make a difference today in someones life.what you do today could change someones future forever..[sorry got off topic im just tired of people worring about the end of times when theres so much to do now!]
2/10/2008 6:38:32 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I am so glad you posted easytouch. We can spend our whole lives worried about dying or the return of Jesus & wake up old & wonder where our lives went. We should be helping each other & living how we should out of love not out of fear.
2/10/2008 7:28:20 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Wichita Falls, TX
age: 37
The Bible is very clear that in the last days the weather would be different then what we have ever seen.
I don't think we should worry about it but we do need to be ready for them and watching day & night for when He comes it will be like a thief in the night.
2/10/2008 7:48:33 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Colville, WA
age: 31
We've been in the end times for some times now. being in the military for some years, you see all kind of things around the world. weather is just a small part of it all. pretty soon, our micro chips in our id cards will migrate to some part of our bodies. you see the worlds leaders these days, pick one, they all call them selves good. well, just a thought people.
2/11/2008 7:26:30 AM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
take no thought for the morrow for sufficient is the evil of today
2/11/2008 3:43:46 PM |
is end time signs of the skies the weird weather? |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
If I was able to do the U2b thing I’d put in “One Day at a Time”
Every budy sing...
One day at a time sweet Jesus, Thats all I'm asking of you, so for my sake Lord teach me to take, one day at a time.