2/23/2008 1:41:30 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Elmo, UT
age: 33
Well, there is ONE good thing about poleshifts comment.. look at how many of you it got fired up and talking about it!
"barbaric? should be illegal? nobody wants to watch?"
Do you think it would be aired on television if truly NO ONE appreciated watching? Or, that it would have sold out fights across the US without any fans? Now maybe I could agree with you that it should be illegal if the fighters were allowed to use clubs like cavemen rather than skill, but come on!!!! I am new to watching UFC, I'll admit, but I still think you have the wrong impression here. 
2/23/2008 2:03:53 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Burnsville, NC
age: 33
Correct ! more boxers die because there bing hit in the head more!
2/26/2008 1:27:37 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Carterville, IL
age: 42
i agree one thing we dont need is more violence in the world.but we could let all the morons battle it outthat would remove alot of them.
2/26/2008 6:31:39 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Burnsville, NC
age: 33
Hey or key ,
Im sorry you think those envolved in fighting especially in MMA , are morons one could only pray you dont ever encounter one because most fighters are highly intellegent, The ones who arnt smart would even be dangerous and of course the moronic folks out there could do some damage. Why did you say that ?
3/9/2008 9:21:22 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Morton, IL
age: 57
from the wikipedia: While competition in the sport is occasionally depicted as brutal by the media,[9] there was no death or crippling injury in a sanctioned event in North America[10] until the death of Houston, Texas fighter Sam Vasquez on November 30, 2007.
[11] Vasquez collapsed shortly after being knocked out in the third round of an October 20 fight at the Toyota Center in Houston by Vince Libardi.[12] Vasquez had two separate surgeries to remove blood clots from his brain, and shortly after the second operation suffered a major stroke and never regained consciousness.[11]
The only other verified fatality in competition is the 1998 death of Douglas Dedge in an unsanctioned fight in Ukraine. There are unconfirmed reports that Dedge had a pre-existing medical condition.[13] Questions also have been asked about the health of Vasquez before his final bout, although no firm information has yet surfaced. Since he was age 35, he would have had to undergo extensive pre-fight medical screening in order to obtain a license to compete in Texas.
3/10/2008 6:34:28 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 26
Well wikipedia isn't a reliable source for information as it can be manipulated.
3/13/2008 12:19:35 AM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

Thaxton, MS
age: 49
ISN'T the WWE a pro-wrestling group? if so they have pretty much NOTHING in common with Pride, UFC, or any other MMA group.
Secondly, MMA is not like c*ck fighting, or dog fighting. MMA fighters have a choice, they are not forced to fight, and they do not fight to maim or kill. Animals are given no choice, and are forced to fight, often to the death, that IS barbaric.
MMA is a violent sport, no doubt, but no more so than football. Considering how many knockouts, and choke outs I have seen, the safety record is pretty amazing. MMA safety record is far superior than boxing's. Of course boxing has been around a LOT longer, so i suppose it remains to be seen in the long run, but so far MMA has a good track record for safety, and keeping its fighters healthy.
3/13/2008 10:55:26 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

Decatur, AL
age: 38
POLE... you know what the button on the remote that has CH on it? it means channel.. you can push that button and NOT watch it.... WOW.. now isn't that an ideal.
Me personally... I loved the movies Gladiator, 300, and all those barbaric movies.
Any and all martial arts contests are for competition, a test of yourself, and several other reasons to each is different.
3/19/2008 9:45:45 AM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

Frisco, TX
age: 50
It's a choice to enter the ring, nobodies forcing these guy to fight.
In the Roman days, gladiators didn't have a choice, they were forced to fight or die, big difference.
7/9/2008 1:15:37 PM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

Galt, CA
age: 42
listen it is brutal,that why alot of the fighters really enjoy what they do,i was in the sport for 12 yrs and was there in the very beginning ,i trained at lions den and was ken sahmrocks first student,i guess i should be offended by what this guy says,but i think he is just lonely and whats to stir up trouble.anyways just go put it on another forum,please.
7/10/2008 8:06:26 AM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |

West Palm Beach, FL
age: 28
You really lack an education as far as MMA is concerned. I can't respect your opinion since it isn't based on you having any real knowledge of the sport.
8/14/2008 8:21:03 AM |
We are going back to the days of the Romans |
Magna, UT
age: 25
I personally think that everything from the WWE UFC and all of this grappling shown on Spike TV is beyond BARBARIC and should be made illegal.
WWE, UFC, and Grappling are three totally separate things you really need to learn what you’re talking about. WWE is a Hollywood version of fighting, they don't really fight its all fake they are putting on a big show for the people. UFC is different they are actually sparring. Grappling on the other hand is probably one of the safest things in the world to do. The entire point of grappling is submission, moving your opponent into a position where they are no longer able to fight back. It's all about joint manipulation and taking control of a situation.
It is no different than Dog, C*ck, Horse etc. fights.
It has nothing in common with animal fights, plus who’s ever heard of Horse fights? Dog and C*ck fights are all about death. There are no rules and there’s no control over the situation. And like it's been said a couple of times already UFC fighters choose to enter into the fight. Animal are unable to choose if they will or will not fight.
We have all of these environmental groups, civil rights, abortion, but nobody gives a hoot about grown men and women beating the pulp out of each other. Anybody else against it ??????????????????????
Environmental groups? Civil Rights? Abortion? Those topics have nothing to do with adults consenting to fight. All of those are topics of other people making choices that affect others with out consent from the victims. Again you need to actually learn what your talking about before you start comparing UFC to abortion.