2/25/2008 9:25:05 AM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
It kinda looks like we have more coming in here--but that is ok with me--lmbo
Have a great day in Pa.------hugsss--lotsafuninpa  
2/26/2008 1:44:40 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Lock Haven, PA
age: 42
Hello, I'm close to the Williamsport area 
2/27/2008 8:13:28 AM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Scranton, PA
age: 65
Hi everyone from Pa.....Scranton here. Just reading the threads and want to say.
They found out who the girl was chopped up, on the highway. No arrests yet.
Just wanted to say Hi....Have a great day everyone. Lorrie from Scranton 
2/27/2008 9:43:46 AM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Hi Lorrie, glad you stopped by.Come back again and sit a spell--hugss--lotsafun
2/27/2008 9:19:06 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Hazleton, PA
age: 41
Hello all from nearby Hazleton
2/28/2008 5:18:41 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
weltel ive been to mt pocono quite a bit.it isnt that far.the comedy club at the pub is great.they have nyc comedians every saturday.if you get a chance check it out.
2/29/2008 2:37:56 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Wiley, your pic is soo different..Would nev er have guessed it was you--lol
have a good evening----hugs--lotsafun  
3/1/2008 12:03:14 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
hey pat its true.i hear it more and more.didnt think i looked that different but when i met someone here i had to show my id
3/1/2008 12:24:16 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Houma, LA
age: 41
yeah Wiles, you are so handsome....
3/1/2008 2:23:16 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
aww thanks ...and i need my id back 
3/3/2008 1:42:10 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
This new pic is great. I like it,but it just kinda threw me for a minute--lol:
take care--have fun----lotsafuninpa   
3/3/2008 2:05:58 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Peckville, PA
age: 45
hi to all im from peck ville pa. in lakawanna county  
3/3/2008 3:13:53 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Perkasie, PA
age: 58
Hello everyone, My name is Chris, from Perkasie Pa How ya all doin? 
3/3/2008 8:40:42 PM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
pat...thanks for the compliment
jump on in .we dont bite....much
3/4/2008 9:19:10 AM |
Northeastern Pa. here: |

Jessup, PA
age: 36
hello everyone I am from Jessup Pa. ...lol naaa just playin around. I like it here.