4/28/2010 1:17:28 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
hah, do you just have these pictures handy for when theyre useful?
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4/28/2010 1:19:41 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Google Images is my friend.
4/28/2010 1:20:02 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
oh, it would have been way cooler my way.
4/28/2010 1:21:28 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I'm not too big on saving pictures and shit. I'm a hard drive space Jew.
4/28/2010 1:23:15 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
You jew. saving pictures of tuxedo shirts would be pretty pointless though
4/28/2010 1:24:23 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
My thoughts exactly.
4/28/2010 1:26:50 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
stop copying my thoughts!
4/28/2010 1:30:35 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Only if you stop copying my awesomeness.
4/28/2010 1:31:06 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
I was awesome waay before you were ever awesome.
4/28/2010 1:32:08 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I'm pretty sure all you know about being awesome you learned from me, but okay. Whatever helps you sleep better at night, buckaroo.
4/28/2010 1:32:50 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
4/28/2010 1:37:10 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Yes, Rev, you'd better get me some ice for that incredible burn.
4/28/2010 1:42:52 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i know it...i can be a little hardcore sometimes.
4/28/2010 1:45:21 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Bring me some Neosporin whilst you're at it.
4/28/2010 1:50:01 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
mhm im germy.
4/28/2010 1:53:37 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
4/28/2010 1:55:30 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
it bugs me when girls with light hair dye their hair dark and forget about their eyebrows. then it looks like they have none and i spen all my time looking at where there eyebrows should be.
4/28/2010 2:01:18 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Dude, I know.
Do you dye your hair?
4/28/2010 2:01:56 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i do not. its a pain in the butt and im lazy.
4/28/2010 2:04:56 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I use to dye mine all the time but not anymore. I'm getting too old for that chit.
4/28/2010 2:05:47 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i used to highlight/lowlight mine, but really its such a pain.. it looked good though..
4/28/2010 2:06:09 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
annd yeah, you are getting too old for that shiz
4/28/2010 2:11:00 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
So I'll probably be getting banned now 'cause some douche in another forum who I hope gets AIDS tried shitting on me so I made this picture of him and posted it:

That'll probably get me banned for sure. Avenge me.
4/28/2010 2:12:12 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH go you. go look at the goddess topic..someone has their panties in a bunch.
4/28/2010 2:16:44 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Everybody's getting on my last nerve today. Maybe 'cause I haven't slept or something. This stupid Englishman f**k who looks like he considers used condoms shot glasses had the nerve to try and call me queer because of the picture of me in my guyliner. I pretty much shit all over his stupid disease-ridden mouth and then told him I hope he dies of AIDS.
Then I posted that picture.
So, yeah, I have a feeling I won't be around this joint too much longer. Especially after my last two blogs. Oops.
4/28/2010 2:18:25 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
haaaaaaaaaaaa it would be funny. then again, id have no one to post with! and if he bashed you first, wasnt he asking for it? oh, and BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA@you wearing guyliner.
4/28/2010 2:24:40 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I use to rock the f**king guyliner. Not so much anymore. I'm too old to f*g out like that now. Although when I do chicks f**king love it, which is weird. The weirder thing is that straight guys love it, too. Go figure.
4/28/2010 2:26:26 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
personally i so dont dig it. like, wicked not into it. but to each their own i suppose. i dont even wear eyeliner. i wouldnt want my bf to.lol@ me this time.
4/28/2010 2:29:35 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
It's weird 'cause I went to a bar into Tucson and almost got in a major fight when I was dressed, like, totally normal. Then the next day I went back to the same bar dressed all punked-out and everyone was like, "Dude, I love your eyes!" I had random guys even coming up to me who were straight as shit telling me how rad they thought it was. Everyone was super nice to me. Go figure.
For old time's sake one of my 10,000 ex's came over and had me punk myself out again. We went to the bar across the street and now whenever I go in there the bartenders are like, "You looked hot with the eyeliner on. You should do it more often." So now I don't feel adequate going there anymore without my shit all done up.
That was an awesome story. I should tell it again.
4/28/2010 2:32:18 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
you should..but maybe somewhere else.
4/28/2010 2:32:50 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
4/28/2010 2:33:32 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
ya know i would but im kind of busy rightnow
4/28/2010 2:36:45 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Busy living?
4/28/2010 3:18:36 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
yes sir
4/28/2010 3:20:08 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
That's coo'.
I'm busy being awesome as shit.
4/28/2010 3:22:16 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
mhm, im busy....doing laundry..which isnt really awesome.
4/28/2010 3:23:56 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I hate doing laundy. I don't envy you. Not one bit.
4/28/2010 3:28:09 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i dont either, it just finished drying...it can sit for a minute..
4/28/2010 3:31:06 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
We need to invent a folding machine. After all, it's not fair there's a washer and dryer. Where's the f**king folder? I mean, come on.
4/28/2010 3:32:47 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
agreed, washing and drying isnt so bad really..make it, ill buy it
4/28/2010 3:33:43 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Screw it. I'll just get hitched and she'll be my folding machine.
4/28/2010 3:34:21 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
do it up. i wish that would work for me.
4/28/2010 3:35:41 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Become a lesbian, marry, and make her do all of your folding.
4/28/2010 3:36:18 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i guess that could work. good thinking you.
4/28/2010 3:39:43 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31

That motherf**ker has nothing on me.
4/28/2010 3:40:14 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
id hope not....its a rock
4/28/2010 3:42:01 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
It's a famous sculpture called "The Thinker," you stupid f**k.
4/28/2010 3:45:56 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i know this. i was taking it in a different direction. purple banana
4/28/2010 3:47:32 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I'd like to throw a rock at your head.
And those dancing bananas are the worst thing to ever happen to the internet. I'd like to find the brainchild who created those and throw them off the Grand Canyon.
4/28/2010 3:52:26 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i dont get them. but i like to throw them out now and then...remind people who's boss
4/28/2010 3:56:35 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
I don't know why that made me laugh but it did. Like, a lot.
4/28/2010 3:56:55 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
because you know i'm boss?
4/28/2010 4:00:45 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Something like that, Rev. Something like that.
4/28/2010 4:01:24 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
haha, being refered to as rev is still weird. all i think of is rev run
4/28/2010 4:03:43 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
Imagine if you did meet a guy on this site and, like, years later he was still calling you Rev? Like that was your nickname?
"How was work, Rev?"
That'd be weird.
4/28/2010 4:07:55 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
it would be, so far youre the only one who calls me rev though. i think im good
4/28/2010 4:09:43 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
A lot of people online know me as "ANT." Long story. Anyway, a few years ago I was doing the Opie and Anthony show with HHH and they were calling me ANT and shit on the air. It was kind of funny. I went to a convention once and tons of people just referred to me as ANT the whole time.
And Rev's an awesome nickname. "Revoked" takes too long to type/say. What the f**k made you choose that nick, anyway?
4/28/2010 4:10:45 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
i think i was trying to get a sn, and jenny didnt work. there was this car commercial on and it said the word revoked. i tried it and it wasnt taken lol. end of story
4/28/2010 4:13:28 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |


Brewer, ME
age: 31
That was a pretty intense story, right there.
I just perved your profile but it wasn't to whack-off to your photos or anything, I swear. I just wanted to see how many posts you have on this ghetto forum.
4/28/2010 4:14:47 PM |
Am I the Only Mainer? |

Bath, ME
age: 24
a lot i bet. i dont put new pictures up here lol, youre fine.