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2/23/2008 4:57:40 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Sek, lol, well I hope my smile on the pic is not really devious. I consider the wild witch a compliment and thank you very much. I am much tamer in the physical world than I used to be, just cause I learned it was safer and wiser to do so. But, in the dream world, oh yeah, I do have fun there sometimes. It is just so much easier to be more expressive there and more accepted too.
2/23/2008 5:14:00 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
It is, isn't it? That is why I enjoy the Travel. 
I have had some of the most profoundly moving and beautiful experiences while Traveling. 
2/23/2008 11:22:47 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Ummm.... Are we talking about astral travel and dreams being the same thing? 
I would just like to clarify my understanding of this.
There are different states of conciousness. We can enter altered states of conciousness through different means such as falling asleep into un-conciousness; meditation, hypnosis, and drugs. Yet we are still spiritually completely in our physical body. When we dream in this state, we can become aware of our "dream state". This is called lucid dreaming. Lucid meaning that you are conciously aware that you are dreaming, yet you can resist the urge to awaken. Also, you are then able to effectively control your dreams. I.E. You start having a nightmare about the boogie man attacking you... So instead of continuing the nightmare, you kick his butt and turn him into a booger instead! Or you fall off a cliff. Instead of hitting the ground and dying, you can turn it around to flying! 
Astral travel is a totally different aspect all together. This is when your spirit actually leaves your physical body. A partial disembodiement can allow people to channel other energies or beings. Which I have also experienced personally.
kellytoo you have a very warm, white witch, compassionate smile!
sehkmet You have a very sweet and seductive smile that radiates and shines!
[Edited 2/24/2008 4:01:54 PM]
2/23/2008 11:44:38 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Nope. When I say Travel, I mean Travel. I just so happen to Travel most when I sleep. It is the only time I really feel safe doing so.
When I mean dream, I will say dream.
No need to differentiate between the two with me, Death. And please do not assume that I do not know what I am talking about...okay? It will save us both grief.
I'm pretty sure Kellytoo knows the difference as well.
2/24/2008 3:49:40 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
When I did my astro projection, others claim to have seen me somewhere else.
2/24/2008 4:32:45 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
I think we can all use different terms, but they can mean the same things. Sometimes I am conscious, lucid in dream state and am able to control, do what I wish, such as slay the boogeyman you mentioned, Death. Though, I don't see boogeymen, demon types or have fear dreams anymore. well with one exception. Sometimes when I am working on a person who has dificulities, I do see their unwholesome sides while dreaming, but they don't personally bother me, just look gross, lol. Some of my guides taught me how to deal with negative energies in a peaceful energy manner, so they "don't come around here no more", as Tom Petty once sang.
I do still have dreams where I am not in conscious control. To me, they are more of letting of garbage which happened during my waking day and releasing stress. Such as I sometimes dream of the people I take care of at work and the crap that has happened there.
I also enjoy just letting other entities/energies guide me and take me where they will. Course I do trust these kind and they earned my trust. For what do I know, not much at all, compared to the vastness of the universe and it's mysteries.
Sometimes I am totally different beings in dreams than I am in waking state and I just find myself appearing in those bodies, though am lucid regarding my thoughts. They are for my learning more about myself or to be in a particular type of energy body in order to help and interact with another person or different entity. Three times, I have found myself in my shadow animal body. It was to learn how to handle the energy of my subconscious mind, my anger and power there, the wild beast side. It took some time to get used to that, even accepting the wild raw side and learning how to control it. It was extremely scarey for me at first.
I recall a few times of being in a higher self body, and though I usually don't look at myself then, others have stated they have seen different variations of this higher self of mine, when we interacted in dreams together. I appear in the higher body in order to give a clear lesson to someone. What has been interesting, is that one time while in the higher body, I felt split in to two minds. My conscious mind was sitting in the back of my higher mind, just watching in awe of what it was doing and thinking, how the heck does that part of me just know what is entirely correct to do....
Queen, there have been times when I have been awake and active and others have said they suddenly saw me appear to them. I had no clue either, hahaha, but believe it is a kind of doppleganger effect, where a part of our etheric self is projecting somewhere else and our conscious mind is unaware of this. I have also had other people's spirits, part of them, suddenly come into my body and mind. Sounds really weird I know, but for instance once, I was at work, just walking down a hallway, and suddenly one of my friends was inside of me, his energy. I even felt him smile and yep, he remembered it happening too.
I tell you, we will not sort this all out for the universe is a constant mystery. I think that is wonderful!!! I think we can learn some concepts and how to achieve better understanding and control over ourselves, create better lives. I find my life has greatly expanded, it's boundaries and dimensions, and I am a much happier person than I used to be. I think some of it is just because I know I am responsible for myself and what happens to me. Not just some helpless puppet dangling in the wind at the mercy of who knows what. Also, I learned how to LOVE myself and that was good, because I am stuck with me anyway. 
2/24/2008 4:56:31 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
"...there have been times when I have been awake and active and others have said they suddenly saw me appear to them. I had no clue either, hahaha, but believe it is a kind of doppleganger effect, where a part of our etheric self is projecting somewhere else and our conscious mind is unaware of this. I have also had other people's spirits, part of them, suddenly come into my body and mind. Sounds really weird I know, but for instance once, I was at work, just walking down a hallway, and suddenly one of my friends was inside of me, his energy. I even felt him smile and yep, he remembered it happening too."
In January, my sister's son ran away from home. I was with her for the duration. I was also intensely ill - but that is neither here nor there. She is also quite gifted. The night before her son came home, she and I were in the house cleaning and both of us felt his soul move through us and all around us. It was HIM. We could smell him. Both of us were just shocked because we had been feeling it for hours before we mentioned it to each other.
My body felt like wind was moving through it on a molecular level. It was amazing and beautiful.
That night, I traveled. In my Traveling, I witnessed his return to home. I saw him come in the door and embrace his mother, then me. And we stood like that. I told his mother this, immediately.
He did come home that day. And the scene I witnessed happened - exactly.
It was one of the most profound moments in my life - because I understood some very vital aspects about my Travel that I had been struggling with. When I Travel - and this is one of the reasons I am so hesitant to speak of it... When I Travel, I also tend to Witness future events. This experience with my sister and her son was not the first time.
And frankly, it has been happening more and more. In a scary, frightening way. Not frightening because of the Travel, per se. Frightening because some of the events I have witnessed are not pleasant...but I know they are due to happen.
2/24/2008 5:56:05 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
I understand what you mean Sek, about seeing the future, though thankfully I do not have those dreams very often, and once had a waking vision of a disaster that happened. I do sense when I will not see someone I care about again, among the living. That has been happening since I was sixteen years old. I became used to the feeling, strange as it sounds. It has actually given me some peace of mind.
2/24/2008 8:03:06 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
When I had what I call my 'visions' I was awake. In one I standing looking at the sun peek from behind a cloud and suddenly I was in another state of being. The light was very bright and felt like someone holding me, no more like cradling me with the light and the peace and sheer joy was overpowering. I did not want to come back. There were some things said to me that started a positive change in my life that is still happening.
2/25/2008 4:32:43 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Moses Lake, WA
age: 57
Ahh Queen, thank you for sharing some of your story, and guess I should have read this post first. I don't think any of us want to come back when we are in that light of pure love and peace. But we are thrown back aren't we. I think it is so we can share this with others, besides our own reasons for continual growth with this earth experience.
I had one other experience with not wanting to come back. A person who had died years before that I loved very much, came into one of my dreams one night. We went flying over the mountains and the forests and shared much joy once more. I then said, I don't want to go back and he said, you must, for your time on earth is not finished. Then he said goodbye and I woke up, tears streaming down my face with his goodbye still echoing in my ears. It did help me to believe those we love and have passed on before us, will be waiting to assist us when it's our time to die. We are never alone.
2/25/2008 9:11:34 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I am glad to hear that Kelly, as there have been so many times in my life that I felt so completely and utterly alone, especially as a child.
2/25/2008 11:05:03 AM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
sekhmet I am sorry that if you felt that I was assuming anything, because I was tring to be modest, hence the "I don't know" character. 
In the previous post kellytoo said that she enjoyed the "dream" world. And in your post you said that is why you like "traveling".
Although traveling happens seemingly while you are sleeping, it is a different dimension. Correct me if I am wrong but, traveling actually happens in the in between states of alpha and beta brain waves. Right?
I just wanted to make sure that we were ALL on the same page, is that ok?
You should know that I would never intentionally insult your intelligence. I know how utterly annoying that is when someone is ignorant enough to insult MY intelligence.  
Are you feeling ok?
2/25/2008 3:05:46 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Yes. When I Travel I am not sleeping - in the strictest sense of the word. In most cases I am far deeper. There have been times when my ex, my daughter, and a friend of mine have had to check my breathing to see if I was still *alive* during times I knew I was Traveling.
My ex and daughter know better than to bring me back - but my friend did. (She had no idea, though, so that is okay.) Being jostled back into this plane while in Travel is not pleasant.
Most times, the period before Travel is accompanied by the vibration of bells. Not the sound of bells - but the vibration of them. It is almost the same vibrations that my body receives when my intuition is speaking up. But not quite - it is a bit different. And while I feel the bells move through my whole body when it is my intuition - the bells before Travel are more...temporal lobe centered. Then they spread downwards. It is completely independent of REM sleep. It is completely independent of sleep. For all intents and purposes, I am simply wide awake and living somewhere else - but my body here could be a damned coma.
You see...
I also strongly believe in the existence of parallel realities - because of my Travels. I have come to understand that much of my traveling occurs in the parallel.
Dreams are just dreams. And my dreams alone are fascinating. But the Travel experiences - which have been happening more and more are exquisite.
People we have met in the Astral has been discussed.
Here is the thing: There is one person in particular who I am constantly meeting in the Astral (while Traveling)...and I know this person is a fellow Traveler. We always know each other and go to each other if we are in the same place to do so. Today, there was a short excursion and I had the presence of mind to ask his name. When he spoke it, it was like hundreds of names being overlapped on top of each other. When I spoke mine, it was the same.
I have my theories as to why this is...
I didn't *learn* to do any of this. It came to me quite by accident - and through some horrific events in life. (Which makes perfect sense, actually.) I have read what books say about it - many books. Let me tell you something -- half the time, authors who speak of Astral Projection and Traveling - they do not have a clue.
So again - when I say Travel - I mean TRAVEL. Lately, I haven't had a choice as to where I go or what I see - something (The Divine, if you will) is leading me to certain points of interest. That is okay.
When I say dreams - I mean Dreams.
[Edited 2/25/2008 3:07:34 PM]
2/25/2008 4:03:47 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
I agree 100,000 %!!!
I don't know, have you read my astral travel story? It is in my blog. You really should, if have not. 
I especially don't like being jolted back!!!! It feels much like tripping and falling onto the ground! Or 
Thank you so much for your understanding. I do think VERY highly of you!!!
[Edited 2/25/2008 4:04:19 PM]
2/25/2008 7:51:55 PM |
Pagans make better lovers, flirt free here |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
It doesn't feel like tripping to me - it feels like coming out of a heavy sedation. When I am roused from it against my will I will wake up look around and NOT KNOW where I am. I have asked, "Where am I?" and "Am I awake?"
I have been jarred from Travel and emerged speaking in a Scottish accent. I have understood German perfectly - for that day. (Same thing with the Scottish accent - that lasted for a day...and I had to make a conscious effort to not speak with the accent in my voice.)
I could go on - but that is enough craziness for now.