7/12/2006 3:53:15 PM |
Tattoos |

Sacramento, CA
age: 21
What is your opinion on tattoos? Do you have any? Do you like them on other people? Do you hate them and think they are stupid? Just curious
7/12/2006 5:28:53 PM |
Tattoos |

Seaside, OR
age: 43
I really like a tattoo that has a strong, significant meaning.......like memorializing a loved one or permanently inscribing your kid's names tastefully, etc. I Dislike the flippant or meaningless ones or the initial of a bf or gf (one of my stupid mistakes when I was younger. LOL) Too many is not good.......too big is not good on females. Yep, good enough. Kat
7/12/2006 7:55:13 PM |
Tattoos |

Garden City, KS
age: 46
My little sister has some tats. Hers all have meaning to them. My favorite is the vine around her ankle. It has 3 roses and a rose bud. Each rose represents one of her kids and the rose bud represents the one she lost.
I don't have any and don't want one either. I've seen too many of them stretch out of shape, or shrunk so much they are beyond recognition!
7/12/2006 10:49:24 PM |
Tattoos |

Hemet, CA
age: 58
I think it's everyones own body, so do what you want!
7/13/2006 2:15:53 AM |
Tattoos |

Akron, IN
age: 60 online now!
I think a well designed and tasteful Tattoo can be good on some people. It can enhance and accentuate some of the more appealing parts for some as well as make a statement.
Some people carry it to extremes and it loses all appeal for visual affect.
Personally, I came from a background of no identifying marks or scars, so never got any. Don't have any reason or desire for them at this time of my life. What the future brings, who knows.
Kidd, I liked the idea behind your sister's tatoo, very tasteful and meaningful.
7/13/2006 3:14:54 AM |
Tattoos |

New London, WI
age: 54
Very touching Kidd
8/1/2006 6:02:09 PM |
Tattoos |

New London, WI
age: 54
My daughter wants me to get one on my (chest) but the way things are going downhill..my angel would look like a ghost hung on the line
8/2/2006 12:13:22 AM |
Tattoos |

Lowry City, MO
age: 48
Ya wudnt happen to settle for "finger paints" instead, wud ya?
8/2/2006 8:27:29 PM |
Tattoos |

Bay City, OR
age: 40
Your body is your temple, decorate it as u please.
8/3/2006 12:39:27 AM |
Tattoos |

Lowry City, MO
age: 48
I think I'll just hang some christmas balls on it (my body temple) come the season to be jolly. Tried some misletoe once, but didnt do anything.
8/3/2006 10:06:19 AM |
Tattoos |

Seaside, OR
age: 43
Why Hill..........I thought you already had Christmas (and every other occasion) balls........don't they come standard (nice pun!) with your temple? GUFFAW!!
8/3/2006 12:36:45 PM |
Tattoos |

Lowry City, MO
age: 48
I could sure stand some Snowballs, bout now. Would sure make everything else seem cooler.
8/21/2006 4:11:02 PM |
Tattoos |

United Kingdom
age: 39
I have one on my left shoulder blade, its Japanese and symbolises missing/being seperated from a loved one, namely my sons for the 16 months I never saw them. I always said I will never have one. Never say never...
Here in UK the "fashion" at present is women getting tattoo's across the small of back usually celtic designs.
8/23/2006 11:12:58 AM |
Tattoos |

United Kingdom
age: 36
I have tattos,which i sketched out myself,as i wanted something original.The one i like most is my daughters name,in a scroll surrounded by a rose,with NANA just above it.For me,this symbolises my nan watching over her.I think tattoos are fine,if they look good.
9/11/2006 2:16:32 AM |
Tattoos |

Hanley Falls, MN
age: 49
I love tatoos, on men or women. I have 2, one on my left wrist, an Eagle and one on myh right shoulder, a heart with a rose in it. Both have meaning to me and I waited til I was 40 before I got the first one. I am hoping to get more, but they hurt!!!