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2/8/2008 8:16:21 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

The Colony, TX
age: 50 online now!
Someone sent me this article today and I could not think of a more diverse group of people to pick this thing apart for accuracy and opinion.
Subject: Obama's Church
Obama's Church
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Election 2008: Since we first drew attention to Barack Obama's Afrocentric church a full 12 months ago, other media have weighed in. And additional disturbing information has come to light.
Related Topics: Election 2008
At the core of the Democratic front-runner's faith whether lapsed Muslim, new Christian or some mixture of the two is African nativism, which raises political issues of its own.
In 1991, when Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he pledged allegiance to something called the Black Value System, which is a code of non-Biblical ethics written by blacks, for blacks.
It encourages blacks to group together and separate from the larger American society by pooling their money, patronizing black-only businesses and backing black leaders. Such racial separatism is strangely at odds with the media's portrayal of Obama as a uniter who reaches across races.
The code also warns blacks to avoid the white "entrapment of black middle-classness," suggesting that settling for that kind of "competitive" success will rob blacks of their African identity and keep them "captive" to white culture.
In short, Obama's "unashamedly black" church preaches the politics of black nationalism. And its dashiki-wearing preacher who married Obama and his wife and now acts as his personal spiritual adviser is militantly Afrocentric. "We are an African people," the Rev. Jeremiah Wright reminds his flock, "and remain true to our native land, the mother continent."
Wright once traveled to Libya with black supremacist Louis Farrakhan to meet with terrorist leader Muammar Qaddafi. Last year at a Chicago gala, Wright honored his old pal Farrakhan, who's fond of calling whites "blue-eyed devils," for lifetime achievement.
It comes as little surprise then that Wright would think Israel a "racist" occupier of Palestinians, while describing the 9/11 attacks as a "wake-up call" to "white America" for ignoring the concerns of "people of color."
Wright makes the Rev. Jesse Jackson look almost moderate and patriotic. Yet this is whom Obama picked to baptize his daughters, plus to act as his "sounding board" during his presidential run.
The candidate already has heeded his church's "nonnegotiable commitment to Africa," spending an inordinate amount of his campaign time on the Kenyan crisis, for one. Obama has close family ties to Kenya, and even founded a school in his ancestral village the Senator Obama School.
In the bloody conflict there, which already has claimed some 700 lives, Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe to which Obama's late Muslim father belonged.
Obama's older brother still lives there. Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.
Beyond family politics, these ties have potential foreign policy, even national security, implications.
Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women moves favored by Obama's brother.
With al-Qaida strengthening its beachheads in Africa from Algeria to Sudan to Somalia the last thing the West needs is for pro-Western Kenya to fall into the hands of Islamic extremists.
Yet Obama interrupted his New Hampshire campaigning to speak by phone with Odinga, who claims to be his cousin. He did not speak with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.
Would Obama put African tribal or family interests ahead of U.S. interests?
It's a valid question, and one voters deserve to have debated regardless of the racial and religious sensitivities. Thanks to a media blackout of these issues, the electorate has yet to benefit from a thorough vetting of Obama.
We have to wonder how much of the national agenda Africa would consume under an Obama administration. Of the six "world threats" Obama lists in stump speeches, at least half of them concern that chronically troubled Third World continent.
Yes, some of his African priorities are noble, such as fighting AIDS and genocide. But how much U.S. aid, resources and presidential time would he devote to them? How much is enough? If Bill Clinton was America's "first black president," would Barack Hussein Obama be our first president for Africa?
Then there is the issue of his Muslim past. Obama, 47, was raised by two Muslim fathers and attended Islamic classes in Indonesia.
He denies being Muslim, however, and says he "embraced Christ" while answering the altar call 20 years ago at Trinity. (Contrary to anonymous e-mail rumors circulating, Obama never took the oath of office on the Quran. He used a Bible, and Vice President D*ck Cheney swore him in during his Senate ceremony.)
This merely raises another concern, beyond that of the controversial church he chose to baptize him. If Obama were ever Muslim, even as a youth, he would now be viewed as an apostate, which in radical Islam is punishable by death. As Mideast expert Daniel Pipes has noted, a President Obama could be the target of a fatwah.
Still, his Muslim heritage is not the signal issue before the electorate. It's his Afrocentric church, which preaches black socialism and black nativism, and his family ties to an African tribe that's fanning the flames of Marxism and militant Islam in a country once considered strongly democratic and a friend of the U.S.
"I believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change," Obama has asserted. He also says his faith has led him to question "the idolatry of the free market."
If a President Obama's foreign and domestic policies are anything like the Afrocentric doctrine he's pledged to uphold, Americans will pay a hefty price, including those among the growing black middle class.
2/8/2008 9:36:54 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 22
Its not a black militarist church.
Go to, or
2/8/2008 11:46:46 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 30
Bush clinton forever.Hillary president 08,jeb bush 2016,chelsea clinton 2024,jenna bush 2032,Chelsea husband 2040,barbara bush goes on Bush and Clinton viva forever
2/9/2008 1:57:14 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 65
I do not know how accurate your article is, although I have seen it before also. I do know that Obama joined a church as he was going into public political life. Pryor to that he was a Muslem. Also some pictures of him around, not looking at the American flag, not to mention that he did not have his hand over his heart as others did. I think we are in for big trouble if Obama or H. Clinton is elected. Americans have enough to deal with without these two making it worse. I would vote for a qualified woman, black or white, I would vote for a man, black or white. What I look for is someone that seems to have the maturity and desire to heal America. I for one am glad the fighting and destruction is out of the US. I remember well the 911 death and destruction in New York City. I will neve forget and right or wrong. The fighting is out of our country. I have not always agreed with Bush, but he did move the deaths of our country to the other side of the world. I am very thankful for that and our sons, fathers and husbands, daughters, mothers and wives serve to protect us. I want a new president that will do what is needed to keep our freedom and improve on our economy. Obama, christian? Muslem? who knows, but I do not believe he is good for the job that needs to be done. Bill and Hill...well, you know the record they have, please, young and old, we must vote for the future, looking at the past record of the candidate. Pick the one that is brave and strong and smart enough to get the job done.
2/9/2008 2:04:38 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 22
Obama was never a musilm. He joined a church 15 years before he decided to go for public service.
He puts his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, he puts his hands behind his back and sings the national anthem. He even leads the pledge of allegiance in Congress.
2/9/2008 5:59:42 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
Please guys, before you further spread these rumors and that's what they are, please, please go to those wesites and check the facts!!!! You don't have to vote for Obama but please don't be part of the fiction that just continues to grow because of fear and prejudice. Just check the facts before you repeat anything about any of the candidates. It's easier to repeat the gossip but it makes you look alot smarter when disagree with the issues and not some rediculous story invented (not by you) to ruin a man or a woman's reputation.
2/9/2008 7:29:20 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

The Colony, TX
age: 50 online now!
Investors Business Daily is a legitimate news source and this was from one of their editorials. There are very few questions that should be off the table when it comes to this particular job. And just because snoops claims to know everything about everything doesn’t automatically take things off the table for discussion.
[Edited 2/9/2008 7:30:12 PM]
2/9/2008 8:18:13 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
I have a feeling that if each of us put ourselves in the position of whomever you chose to trash I'll bet you would vote to take these things off the table. It's so easy to rip someone up and so hard to repair those rumors.
2/9/2008 8:22:42 PM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 22
I have not heard one credible news source bring this up. Its bull.
"Would Obama put African tribal or family interests ahead of U.S. interests?"
That is an unwarranted question!
2/10/2008 12:04:26 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
from "davids urban legends blog"
Netlore Archive: Email rumor labels presidential candidate Barack Obama a racist for attending a church that describes itself as 'unashamedly black' with a 'non-negotiable commitment to Africa'
Description: Email rumor
Circulating since: December 2007
Status: Misrepresents the facts
Email example contributed by Frank G., Dec. 23, 2007:
Click on the website and see that there is an unabashedly RACIST running for president. What if one of the white men or Hill were a member of a church that declared itself "UNASHAMEDLY WHITE?" What would the media have done to them already.
Obama mentioned his church during his appearance with Oprah. It's the Trinity Church of Christ. I found this interesting.
Obama's church:
Please read and go to this church's website and read what is written there. It is very alarming.
Barack Obama is a member of this church and is running for President of the U.S. If you look at the first page of their website, you will learn that this congregation has a non-negotiable commitment to Africa. No where is AMERICA even mentioned. Notice too, what color you will need to be if you should want to join Obama's church... B-L-A-C-K!!! Doesn't look like his choice of religion has improved much over his (former?) Muslim upbringing.
Are you aware that Obama's middle name is Mohammed? Strip away his nice looks, the big smile and smooth talk and what do you get?Certainly a racist, as plainly defined by the stated position of his church! And possibly a covert worshiper of the Muslim faith, even today. This guy desires to rule over America while his loyalty is totally vested in a Black Africa!
I cannot believe this has not been all over the TV and newspapers. This is why it is so important to pass this message along to all of our family & friends. To think that Obama has even the slightest chance in the run for the presidency, is really scary.
Click on the link below:
This is the web page for the church Barack Obama belongs to:
Comments: This latest Internet smear campaign against Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama tries to have it both ways, accusing him of belonging to a "racist" Christian church on the one hand, while slyly suggesting he might be a "covert Muslim" on the other (the latter claim has already been debunked).
The assertion that Obama's middle name is "Mohammed" is false (later versions make no such claim). The candidate's correct full name is Barack Hussein Obama.
It is true that Barack Obama belongs to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which he joined in the early 1980s. It is also true that TUCC describes itself as "unashamedly black," and as having a "non-negotiable commitment to Africa."
It is not true, however, that one must be black in order to attend. TUCC is located in a predominantly African American neighborhood in Chicago's South Side and most of its parishioners are black, but there is no racial litmus test for joining. As Christian Post columnist Martin E. Marty observed in April 2007, "being 'unashamedly black' does not mean being 'anti-white.' My wife and I on occasion attend, and, like all other non-blacks, are enthusiastically welcomed."
The suggestion that a church identifying itself as "unashamedly black" necessarily implies racism on the part of its leaders or congregation fails to acknowledge the 200-year history of a religious and social institution -- the black church -- which was born under slavery and shaped by the necessity to overcome subjugation and marginalization due to racial prejudice.
The first independent black churches in America, formed around the turn of the 19th century, "combined evangelical zeal with work on behalf of struggling free blacks and antislavery advocacy," writes historian Laurie Maffly-Kipp. They also provided social services then commonly denied to blacks in both slave and free states. "Because limited educational and vocational opportunities were open to blacks in northern states," Maffly-Kipp continues, "churches also served as schools, training centers, and centers of community organization. Many of the early black newspapers published were facilitated or spearheaded by black clergy, and thus the churches helped to bring African Americans across distances together into a more self-conscious community."
Even after the abolition of slavery (which, needless to say, did not translate into instant equality), black churches continued to fulfill these functions in African American communities, right up through the civil rights era and on to today. The black church movement was never an expression of racism; it was a response to racism, and a homegrown solution to many of the social problems it created.
Born of more radical times, Trinity United's emphasis on such buzzwords as "Africentrism" and a "Black Value System" may ring in some ears as a call to racial separatism, but the parishioners themselves see it as a way of honoring their stolen heritage and fostering a creed of self-reliance.
"Commitment to God, black community, commitment to the black family, the black work ethic, self-discipline and self-respect. Those are values that the conservative movement in particular has suggested are necessary for black advancement," says TUCC's most famous member, Barack Obama. "So I would be puzzled that they would object or quibble with the bulk of a document that basically espouses profoundly conservative values of self-reliance and self-help." (Chicago Tribune, 2/6/07)
2/10/2008 12:12:11 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 19
Sliming Obama
January 10, 2008
Dueling chain e-mails claim he's a radical Muslim or a 'racist' Christian. Both can't be right. We find both are false.
If these two nasty e-mail messages are any indication, the 2008 presidential campaign is becoming a very dirty one.
One claims that Obama is "certainly a racist" by virtue of belonging to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which it says "will accept only black parishoners" and espouses a commitment to Africa. Actually, a white theology professor says he's been "welcomed enthusiastically" at the church, as have other non-blacks.
Another e-mail claims that Obama "is a Muslim," attended a "Wahabi" school in Indonesia, took his Senate oath on the Koran, refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and is part of an Islamic plot to take over the U.S. Each of these statements is false.
These false appeals to bigotry and fear remind us of the infamous whispering campaign of eight years ago, when anonymous messages just before the South Carolina primary falsely accused Republican candidate John McCain of fathering an illegitimate child by a black woman.
We turn first to the most recent of these Internet whispering campaigns: a widely forwarded e-mail that says Barack Obama’s church, the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, is anti-American, will only accept black parishioners and tilts toward Africa at the expense of the United States. The e-mail claims Obama is therefore "certainly a racist" and "desires to rule over America while his loyalty is totally vested in a Black Africa."
We've had scores of queries about the accuracy of this one. It's bunk. For one thing, the church welcomes whites, according to a University of Chicago professor of divinity who says he has attended. And while its controversial pastor is a fiery advocate for blacks and liberal causes and a fierce critic of anti-black discrimination, we've seen no evidence that he preaches hatred of or discrimination against whites.
2/10/2008 1:07:47 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Belvidere, NC
age: 35
swift..I was already convinced.
2/10/2008 10:14:19 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

The Colony, TX
age: 50 online now!
More interesting reading. I could only post part of the article but at the bottom I posted the address.
By Jon Christian Ryter
January 16, 2008
In 1991 a young Muslim Harvard Law College graduate named Barack Hussein Obama (who has denied his Islamic past and Muslim roots for as long as he has been a public figure) became a civil rights community activist working out of the Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama worked as a community organizer for Trinity in poor black neighborhoods. Trinity's senior pastor Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr, a black racist, who preached radical Afrocentric theology and didn't mind delivering profanity-spiked sermons found a congregation-builder in Obama. Because of what Wright called Obama's multiple-faith background and his Harvard education, he was a natural community-builder.
When Obama broke onto the national political scene in 2004, not only did he attempt to erase all traces his Islamic childhood, but he also tried to erase the nature of his relationship with Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr, the pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ. (When your country is at war with Islamic extremists being a Muslim is not the shortest route to the White House.) Obama has told the media his reason for shielding his pastor was because "...he respected Mr. Wright's work for the poor and his fight against injustice." In reality Dr. Wright's work was to denounce the United States as a white racist nation. That's not good press for an African American candidate who needs to win a majority of the white vote to win the office of President.
It would have been not only natural, but expected, for Barack Obama—when he decided to run for the presidency—to make the announcement from the pulpit of the 8,500 member Trinity United Church of Christ. Obama would later state he did not in order to shield his pastor from the spotlight of the media. Dr. Wright has never shunned positive publicity. It was obvious to the media—in particular the New York Times which noted in an April 20, 2007 article that Obama was very deliberately distancing himself from Jeremiah Wright. Instead, Obama announced his candidacy on the steps of the old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois—where Abraham Lincoln announced his candidacy—on Feb. 10, 2007. Obama sees himself as an archtype of Lincoln who will "free his people from the tyranny of the oppressor." What people are those? The inner city people of color whom Dr. Wright believes are part of the Black Value System? Or does he see himself as the man who will free the Muslim world from the Great Satan since his first action, he says, as President of the United States will be to pull all Americans troops out of the Middle East? The voters need to figure out exactly who Barack Obama's constituents really are because when I add 2 + 2 + Obama, it doesn't come out four.
When Obama's early history and his Islamic upbringing was first reported, Obama's website posted a statement dated Nov. 12, 2007 with the headline: "Barack Obama is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim." The statement reiterated that Obama was not a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.
here is the rest of the article.
2/10/2008 11:24:35 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 22
"In 1991 a young Muslim Harvard Law College graduate named Barack Hussein Obama..."
I stopped reading it right there.
I don't know how to address this. I can post several links, say that CNN went to the so called "madrassa" only to see it wasn't a madrassa at all, that his father and step father never introduced him to Islam...
What do you need to see to convince you that he has never been apart of the Islamic faith? It seems to me you are already convinced. If you are, then that means that you are a close-minded lying moron.
[Edited 2/10/2008 11:25:14 AM]
2/10/2008 11:26:18 AM |
Subject: Obama's Church |

The Colony, TX
age: 50 online now!
Cant anyone here have a conversation without name calling.