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2/11/2008 2:13:34 AM |
relationship problems? |

Saint John, IN
age: 22
no, im afraid thatz NOT my answer...sry to disappoint you. The one thing i hate is players, and just to remind everyone I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL, the only reason why i posted what i did is because i enjoy helping people, and its not just me...i want everyone else to put their opinion and advice on here as well, as i don't know everything. But i have been through a lot and ive had a lot of friends that went through a lot of shit..even at a young age. its really gud that people are giving advice too..as i wanted to start a dedicated chat to giving advice, i posted a forum saying advice line? but nobody responded..so i made my own lol. As for my advice on that situation, right now you are getting the best of all worlds. Dont lead all of them on..as it is not fair to them. what you need to do is find out which one makes you the happiest. The gud features are nice but wat really counts is finding out the things that you don't like, because you have to live with those the rest of your life and if you can deal wit that then thatz cool. The greatest thing about a relationship, in my opinion, is the communication between you and that other person. its a great feeling to know you have that special person that understands you and there for you anytime you need them. whats really important is that u support one another in any situation. But please don't be like every other guy and be a player...because it sux for all the women out there that actually give a shit about the relationship. But i do appreciate any and all responses to everyones questions because its not JUST me helping, its friends helping friends. I just kinda jump started the conversations and thatz great. Please...lets keep this chat going!
2/11/2008 2:49:26 AM |
relationship problems? |

Saint John, IN
age: 22
as to the reply of missing out. yes, ur right i am young, but i have had my fair share of heartbroken relationships, and it doesn't make me an "expert" as i don't claim to be, but the reason why i wanted this chat is basically learning from past experiences...and ive experienced a few things. Been cheated on, played, takin advantage of and many other bullshit that i really dont feel like thinking of right now. and no i don't have "all this time on my hands" but i do enjoy seeing people happy and helping them the best of my ability , and if i cant help you, i hope to find sumone that can..oh shit now i am sounding like im at work i think people take my kindness for weakness and they take advantage of who i am. i just believe that everyone deserves some gud advice or sumone to talk to if they need it.
2/11/2008 3:14:00 PM |
relationship problems? |

Farmersville, TX
age: 27
Alright Doc, I got a question for you. Why is it, when say a guy sends you a message, you reply back, more messages are sent. Convo goes into say Yahoo messenger since we all know the IM on here only works half of the time. Ok, so guy gets pissed because girl will not give him her phone number right away until after a few more convos. Than he acts like he never cussed her out and gave her a 3rd degree lecture about "trust" for not giving him her number. Ok so he calls ALL the time, almost to the point its annoying! So after a few phone calls, guy gets upset because girl does not express feelings for guy, after all guy thinks just because you talk trying to get to know him, that you are together. Guy says "I miss you", and "I love you" all the time, girl says neither. Guy gets pissed because girl is not saying "I love you". Internet dating is a fantasy, so how does one fall in love in the fantasy world, girl is living in reality world and not in the fantasy world as guy. Guy calls girl every morning around the hours of 1:30am to 3:00am when girl has to be up for work at 4am, guy gets pissed because girl doesnt anwser phone at these hours of morning. Girl has told guy not to call if it is not decent hours, to have some respect for people who have kids, who actually do work for a living. Girl goes to a friends house on the weekend to attend a birthday party and of course there are males there, guy calls once again at 1:30 am and ask girl where she is and why he is hearing guys in the background. Guy gets majorly pissed and really starts cussing girl out. Friends at party tell girl, to lose all contact with guy because he has jealousy issues. Guy calls back and asks girl if she has money to lend him so he can drive 600 miles to see girl. Girl has really no interest in guy as far as relationship goes. Girl owns house, guy wants girl to move to his state with him. Girl doesnt want to, guy gets upset.
How do some people fall in love with out ever meeting someone face to face? Do they fall easily because someone made their day and talked to them so they move full speed ahead? Doc, do you have any prozac for such a person?!?! 
2/11/2008 5:36:47 PM |
relationship problems? |

Statesville, NC
age: 27
good question can't wait to see the response talk at you later missing out
2/11/2008 5:52:46 PM |
relationship problems? |

Farmersville, TX
age: 27
Dr. you bailed on me!!! Am awaiting your anwser. Humor me or enlighten me...lol
2/11/2008 7:17:13 PM |
relationship problems? |

Saint John, IN
age: 22
ok..sorry about the wait everyone. But, this situation happens a lot..now as for the guy first...Guys get emotionally attached very easily when they don't get enough attention from women, so what happens is he goes to the "fantasy world" to look for answers. and the first woman who talks to him he thinks that she is all about him..especially when they have a great convo that makes them click....So he jumps up to conclusion and assumes that she wants to be his "g/f." So he asks for her number because he feels that he can talk to her and communicate better over the phone...now he is really attached because he heard her voice and things are going great. but when she goes about her business in reality, he is still thinking about her and the "relationship" they are in. She goes out does her thing and there happens to be guys there. now this is about the time where TRUST kicks in, even though it isn't a relationship in the first place. Guys get pissed off because someone talked to them and actually listened to what he had to say, so he began to have feelings about her even if she didn't. when he found out that she hangs out with guys, jealousy kicks in and he doesn't know what to do. the only thing to do is to go see her. Now when he asks her for money to go see her, thatz f*cked up..im sry. Guys will go to any extreme to find that special sumone to pay attention to him. When he blows up the phone at ridiculous hours that his way of saying "if your going to talk to other guys and not me then im gunna get back to you" as for the girl...its great talking to guys and all, and the girl in this situation did a gud job not showing or egging him on saying i love you miss you care about you...so on and so on. However, what i would do about this is basically tell him how she feels about him. don't hide anything and flat out tell him, "your a great friend and a great person to talk to, however this relationship is not going to work out" for whatever reason..mainly distance, and the fact that he is acting in a psychotic manner and itz unnecessary. communication is the biggest thing in a relationship and i think that if you cant do that there is no point in having one. People think love is just a few phone calls away and thatz not true..they just need attention, thatz all. As far as him calling at odd hours of the night, please explain to him that you have kids and a job, if he "cares and loves" you so much, u wud respect the fact that you do not want to be bothered that late and you need sleep. Guys...PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT!!!  IT WILL NOT GET YOU ANYWHERE!!!!
2/12/2008 11:24:58 AM |
relationship problems? |

Cumming, GA
age: 28
i just wanna say to little jr here.......dude get your ass offline and go get some more years of dating experience and then come back. i'm sure some people appreciate you trying to be helpful but the question and fact is this, what do you know about relationships at your young age?? you are only 19 man.
2/12/2008 7:08:16 PM |
relationship problems? |

Statesville, NC
age: 27
wtf do you know that is biggest line of bs i ever seen
[Edited 2/12/2008 7:08:36 PM]
2/12/2008 8:35:20 PM |
relationship problems? |

Saint John, IN
age: 22
to the reply to cyklopx...im 22 thank you, and ive been through a lot of shit man...like i keep telling everyone...im no doctor and i dont have all the answers , im just trying to help as much as i can and get a conversation going, therefor people..like you maybe...can come along and help to, every insight is good and a lot of people know a lot of different things, put them together and we have an "advice forum" see what i mean?