2/10/2008 1:55:31 PM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
some of us in the STL area and surrounding states are getting together in Feb and March for Meet and Greets; if you want any more info on this, please email me. It's a great way to meet lots of guys/gals all at once. If you're looking for someone to hook up with or just make new friends for your area; we've had folks come from Springfield, MO, Kansas City, MO, Poplar Bluff, MO, etc..just to give you an idea.
2/10/2008 11:11:43 PM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Peters, MO
age: 65
I'm 65 are there any meet and greet group meetings your aware of that I might attend
2/11/2008 5:03:00 PM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
they are all designated for 21 and up, we get all ages, come on out or in this case, down to the Stratford Bar/Inn, Fenton; Feb 23 for Mardi Gras and March 14 for St. Pat's Party
There will be door greeters throughout the first part of the evenings to get you on your way.
2/14/2008 9:31:13 AM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Springfield, MO
age: 53
We are having one in Springfield on March 1st come to that too! See thread all are welcome. But I know alot from the 50+ group will be there.
2/17/2008 5:22:26 PM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 43
2/18/2008 3:57:45 PM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
well cool beans Guy ~ so did you sign up on the other site to learn more about the event or are you just going to show up. Since you don't have a pic on your profile, I wouldn't know who I'd be greeting at the door.
2/23/2008 8:07:14 AM |
St Louis area Meet and Greets |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 40
tonight is the night at Stratford Inn/Fenton, Mo ~ Ballroom Area
6pm-1:30 pm
come on by with or without your beads from Mardi Gras as this is a Post Mardi Gras Party
another singles group in St. Louis is hosting this event. If you don't have beads, you're guaranteed to take some home! There will be contests, free food, free drinks, discounted drinks and more fun than you can even imagine. 
Come one, come all, bring all your single friends; reservations recommended; may as well eat drink and be merry all in one place, eh? No worries for DUI's this way either.