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2/13/2008 12:02:18 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Gresham, OR
age: 19
1) that gays and lesbians are going to hell
i hate seeing bumper stickers and things that say
its adam and eve not adam and steve, children need both parents
2) that those who commit suicide go to hell
why? even though they took a life should people who were tormented in life be tormented in the after life too? it doesnt seem fair or anything like something a good caring god would do
2/13/2008 12:16:49 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 32 online now!
I've lost faith in a religion once upon a time. My lover Phlice took her own life from what I believe was a chemical imbalance due to medication for her injured spine. Me and the "big man upstairs" had a little disagreement: I thought she should live, and he thought she should die. In reflection, if I were to still maintain that there is a Christian god, I don't think he would have condemned her. There has to be circumstances that a higher power would have to take into consideration, in her case, the medication that horribly switched her moodswings to and fro. So I gather that even in the Christian faith, there must be something more to it than the standard "suicides go to hell" bit. And as far as gay people going to Hell and such, I find it illogical that someone should be punished for love. Just because someone uses a bible to justify hating gays doesn't make them less a bigot. Things like "judge not lest ye be judged" and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" are lost on some supposed Christians. But not all Christians will carry that same unjustifiable hatred to their fellow man. Some you find will be rather accepting. As for me, both of my mothers didn't raise a bigot.
2/13/2008 12:23:22 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Gresham, OR
age: 19
^^ so your completely in tune with me.
My uncle when i was young (whom all us neices and nephews loved) commited suicide by drowning. He was going through a terrible divorce with his wife and had two children who were being taken away from him. Other stuff that went on too but was too young to know or see. I dont think he belongs in hell because he suddenly had his life torn apart and lost it.
^^ *huggles all the gays and lesbians* i love these peeps so much. one of my best friends is gay and he's the coolest guy on the planet. Just like one of my girlfriends ^_- i dont understand how people cant hate others so much. Just because their love is a little different dont mean sh**. They're still human beings that should be treated equally. LET THEM GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!! (sry off topic XD)
2/13/2008 12:30:07 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 32 online now!
Marriage and the legal system should never have been merged. There would be no debate on the subject now if people just stuck to the origonal idea. In fact, we still don't need the law to "recognize our union". Who exactly gave them that power?
2/13/2008 2:51:40 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
burnkitty, your alleged God man upstairs had nothing to do with your lovers 'seemingly' untimely exit from this density. Your lover had a date of her own to keep that even she, had no conscious knowledge of. There are no mistakes in life, we choose exactly when we are born and we choose exactly when we are ready to leave this place. Nothing mysterious about it.
Though I will say, that since there is really no death, she really did not go anywhere. Energy does not go anywhere, it only changes its form. Just because you cannot see her, does not mean that she is not there. We have probably lived many hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes. We travel together from lifetime to lifetime with the same people. There is no gender specificity in our relationships about our true spiritual nature.
[Edited 2/13/2008 3:04:14 AM]
2/13/2008 3:02:05 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Monteagle, TN
age: 53
You are not off topic wingedwarrior, it's your thread so don't appologize for saying what you want to say...The individuals who have a problem with gays are the ones that have a problem with their very own manhood. They are not sure what to do with it. They are totally unaware and are not intouch with themselves. They drink beer and watch football and are big daddies biggest cheerleaders for going to war and killing things that move. You cannot get intouch with your manhood when you are busy hanging around a bunch of drunken other guys who are not intouch with theirs. It ain't gonna happen.
Besides, your sexual energy is the strongest energy that you have and your illuminati rulers saw to it that you never got intouch with it because they never wanted you having a good time in your life so they had to shut that down at a very early age, like right when you were born you got traumatized (tortured) by the removal of your foreskin, which is a reminder of the mark of your servitude to your illuminati master slave handlers, who have big plans for you.
2/13/2008 6:34:11 PM |
Things i disagree with |

South El Monte, CA
age: 45
things go wrong when spiritual things are made carnal.
you have a spiritual body (belief system).
the commandments and all scripture is spiritual body related.
I know a lot of people have strong opinions. I dislike fear tactics and cruelty as coming from our Creator.
if women are churches then "don't covet your neighbors wife" means... don't follow someone else's belief system.
"jesus is coming back to his bride The Church". Again a Women.
The not lying in another mans bed is this same.. your brother "made his own bed let him lay in it" in other words not to climb into his spiritual bed.
God don't care if you have butt monkey sex with butt monkeys... "as long as partaken of with thanksgiving" that is flesh or carnal.
And the word says flesh is sin also. impossible for law to be applied to flesh.
2/15/2008 12:01:21 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Portland, OR
age: 18
I can disagree with a gay man's belief that the Bible doesn't condemn gays {it does} and not be a bigot. I am also capable of disagreeing with someone without carrying some unfathomable load of hatred towards them. I have as much right to free speach as the next man, and if we claim that all men have the right to "not be offended," we take away our own right to speak freely. If we do this, WE are bigoted and close- minded, because we cannot allow others to speak their beliefs.
And people can disagree all they want, as long as they agree America kicks butt.
2/15/2008 12:30:59 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
welcome winged_warrior!
This is your post and topic called, "things that I disagree with." So don't apologize.
Many of the guys who bash gay men, are the same ones who want their wife to bring home a chick for a threesome. Talk about a double standard. I'm not gay, but I have had bisexual friends and gay friends, mostly female though.
Also, god is a myth. There is no big daddy up in the sky. If someone commits suicide, then they have been tortured enough in life. Something obviously went biologically wrong with their brain chemistry. That is most unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that.
2/15/2008 6:28:40 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Cleveland, OH
age: 43
I think a spiritual/moral body or belief system is one thing. Organized religion is quite another. Lately, it's been my experience that those who are fanatical with respect to the tenets of a particular organized religion are also the most judgmental and intolerant of others. JMO.
[Edited 2/15/2008 7:37:41 AM]
2/15/2008 7:37:26 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Alton, IL
age: 25
Agree totally, Winged_Warrior! I have difficutly justifying the idea of hell under any circumstances. And there's nothing sillier than the idea that homosexual men and women deserve anything less than absolute equality.
A few points, Ronin7:
1. I agree that the Bible state that the penalty for homosexuality is death. It also states that the penalty for doing any work on The Sabbath is death. It is absurd, primitive ideas like this that strongly indicate that a moral person should not follow the bible.
2. No one has said that you cannot state your opinion on gay rights, or any other issue. Have I missed something? You do NOT, on the other hand, have the right to force others to comply with your opinion through legislation. I am curious whether you support gay marraige.
3. Actually, the Freedom of Speech granted to me by the First Amendment of the Constitution does allow me to criticize America. In fact, if I wanted to, I could do genuinely horrifying things to an American Flag in my front yard for all to see. I choose not to go that far, because that's simply rude, and people will not likely listen to what you have to say. I could even, if I were a complete jack@$$, display iconography from an actively anti-American terrorist faction, such as a Confederate Flag. Again, personally, I find this repulsive, so I choose not to. But I do have this freedom, yes?
2/15/2008 10:15:02 AM |
Things i disagree with |

Lacombe, LA
age: 46
i lost a brother, at a young age, i don,t blame God for ever thing, that happen,s here on earth. plus my brother , is in heaven waiting for me. and i will see the first dead, just like God said,s,. but i am prepared for secound dead, for God to choose, wish way i can go, and for as judgeing, i did and do study the word of God, myself, he said, judge not that you will judge in the same measure and to clean your self up, and then you can help other,what some of us call judgeing.and for gay people, i love you, but read what God said,s and you will be right, myself i love God lady,s they or nice, and men friendship, peace let Jesus in heart, and you will see how much he love you. plus my name is Steve, why we allway say adam and steve, not bruce?
2/15/2008 8:19:59 PM |
Things i disagree with |

Portland, OR
age: 18
Umm... My "agree that America kicks butt" statement was a joke. I didn't intend for anyone to take it seriously. And I don't know what's meant by "imposing your beliefs" on somebody. If that means I can't tell you what I believe, then that's a load. My freedom of speach MUST extend to telling other people about what I believe, or it's not really "freedom of speach." I don't have freedom if people try to censor me, see? If you're talking about dragging somebody into a church, or knocking them out, tying them to a chair, and forcing them to listen to you... Well, duh, that would be too far. But what's "imposing beliefs" exactly? If it's telling somebody what they don't want to hear, then one has the right to do that, and they have the right to ignore that person, or present a counter- argument.
And I'm not going to present my political and religious beliefs on a topic overflowing with individuals who all believe the same way. There's no point. If I believe what you do, I do no good by becoming a sycophant or "yes man." If I disagree, I open myself up to verbal attacks simply on the grounds of my belief. And either way, I just don't care enough.
On topic: The Bible says murder= Hell. So, if you "murder" yourself, by that logic you go to Hell. It's harsh, yes, and I can see why you don't like it, but that is what the Bible says.
The Bible is against gays. I can see why you hate this, but the Bible's also against thieves, liars, cheaters, and people who have premarital sex. Lot's of nice people do bad things. Whether or not you believe it, there it is. Sounds like you just have a problem with the Bible.
2/18/2008 8:29:45 PM |
Things i disagree with |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 32 online now!
I hardly believe that love, regardless of what gender preference, is any comparison to those that would steal and lie and murder. To put them in the same catagory seems highly dubious. They are far from one and the same. One goes by love, the others by hate and inconsideration of their neighbors. Yes, I disagree with the bible's association with the gay community. It's not even close to resembling common sense. And in my time alive, I've noticed that the favorite word amoung the judgemental variant of Christians is "abomination". Any time I hear a supposed Christian use that word in association with a gay man or woman, I see a lack of character. Just a bigot with a bible in one hand and a stone in another.
2/18/2008 8:54:50 PM |
Things i disagree with |

Roscommon, MI
age: 36
The one thing I disagree with most:
INTOLERANCE! To many people have died/suffered for a cause that was not their own.
As it harm none, do as ye will.
[Edited 2/18/2008 9:00:42 PM]