Fredonia, TX
age: 72
I am running WindowsME. I know it's old, but so am I and we understand each other. At lest we did until a few days ago. When I try to open my OE mail, I get the following message. msimn has caused an error in DIRECT.DLL. Then says it's gonna close, which it promply does and suggests I might want to restart my computer, which I did. I thak any and all of you in advance who can help me with this.

Northport, WA
age: 43
Update your antivirus software anddo a thorough scan.

Fredonia, TX
age: 72
Thanks, Ken. Will do that today.

Huntsville, AL
age: 52
did you get your OE problem fixed? if not it might be your dbx folders are corrupt......
email me if it's still not working i can send you some links to recreate them....
good luck