2/13/2008 8:42:29 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
They are my faves! 
and a thread where we could discuss
memories would be apropos for an Arizona forum.
I was on the show in '63 and it was a riot!
Remember watching the black and white t.v. in my house
'round 4 in the afternoon on a warm September day
& Ladmo pulling my post card from the basket
and Wallace reading my name to be on the show

Whoa yeahhhh
that was sweet!
anyone else have any memories of WalBoy or LadMo
Mr. Grudgemeyer, (feed the birds)
or Gerald, Aunt Maud, Captain Super... (countless others)
Hub Cap and the Wheels,
Mike Condello and Salt River Navy Band?
please do tell

2/13/2008 9:00:44 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51

2/14/2008 4:06:34 AM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Ummmmm, I dont remember these guys. The one on the left was in a movie that I love. My Name is Nobody.....a great western.
2/14/2008 12:09:49 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Casa Grande, AZ
age: 48
My sister and I were on the show.....I believe '69 or '70
I loved growing up watching this show!
Do you remember Legend City?
2/14/2008 7:47:08 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
Did you get a LADMO BAG, carriejo ?
Do you recall if the KPHO studio was downtown
or over at Indian School & I-17?

Yep, I went to Legend City a couple times. Not as many times as I would have liked to!
I recall the train ride with the wild west shoot out & the boat ride with the dinosaur.
Also, saw a raucous stage show of Wal & Lad.
Do you recall the years of operation?
It was ahead of its time and ashame it didn't last.
I guess Salt River Project bought the land and built there operations there.
2/14/2008 7:58:33 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
That sounds like a really good movie, arreis !
I think I saw it many moons ago.
Have to look for it again.
I'm highly doubtful if Wallace (Bill Thompson) starred in it tho.
But I might be surprized!
Wallce and Ladmo made a couple short black & white movie clips.
Wallace was a Civil War buff. They made some movie clips of
a regiment of men, in uniform, hauling a cannon and sending Ladmo out
to go get coffee from the enemy. LadMo returns with a can of Folgers
but its empty, of course. Lots of slapstick and stuff like that.
But that prbly doesn't mean much to ya if you don't know what this thred about.
2/15/2008 10:01:40 AM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 43
Yeah!!! Wallace and Ladmo was an absolute must on a daily basis at our house. HoHo HaHa HeeHee HaHa..... Really brought some good memories to read this post. Thanks so much!!! Remember the Wayback Machine?

Roundhouse in Phoenix
2/15/2008 8:31:27 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Casa Grande, AZ
age: 48
Stedmo....I think the studio was down town and yes we got ladmo bags, but it was the smaller ones...Not the full size.
2/15/2008 9:31:22 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
wow that's great, carriejo!
I never got a Ladmo Bag
I got something a little different from my experience on the show
I keep thinking the sudio was in the Westard Ho downtown ?
But it might been the Hotel Adams.
2/15/2008 9:38:19 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51
o yaeah the WAYBACK MACHINE, roundhouse!
wasn't it like a wood telephone booth ?
and WalBoy would set the clock hands?
open the door....
and cave man w/ club steps out!
Then I'm sure there was:
Newton with an apple
Hamlet mis-quoting 'to be or not to be', right ?
Franklin with a kite and a key
countless other historical persona's
Tellya when Ladmo announced my name on the tube that September day
I bounded off the walls! I was only 7 or so and ecstatic!
Later that evening Wallace called the house
to verify with my parents if we were going to be able to show up the following day.
I talked to Wallace and he asked me what toy I would like.
This was when they got toys from the Toy Cottage
(a toy shop that was located on 7th ave and Indian School Road or there abouts)
The toys were on shelfs behind the bar and the boys and girls would sit on barstools
and pick out what toys they wanted!

So I told Wallace that I would like the clown Ice Snow Cone maker.
Press the nose on the clown and the crushed ice came out
I went to sleep that night to great anticipation of meeting my childhood hero's...
2/16/2008 6:06:18 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 23
Hi, you might think whats this 23 y.o kid know about WALLACE & LADMO but i remember them from there show and remember ladmo going to the old smittys stores and me being able to do shopping with him... i also remember when he died it was 3weeks after my grandfather died.... it was like i lost 2 people from my family in just a few days.
2/17/2008 7:23:02 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Glendale, AZ
age: 26
I got to go to the show once when I was about 4 years old! I loved them!!! My grandparents got me a pony and I loved the show sooooo much I named him Ladmo!!! I also remember the Smitty's trips. oh those were the days, when kid shows were decent!
2/23/2008 3:00:17 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Peoria, AZ
age: 48
I remember them. I took my kids to the state fair in 1979 i think and they were there giving out ladmo bags.
2/23/2008 5:36:52 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 51

Here's a LadMo Bag for you also !
2/24/2008 8:15:47 PM |
Wallace & Ladmo |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Hahahaha I still get a kick outta telling the older folks when asked a question and get it right if they want a Ladmo Bag! LOL