Barryton, MI
age: 33
Name your favorite drinks and how to mix them..thats if it's mixed
Captian morgan and diet coke with cherrys..
2 shots of captain and diet coke with cherrys in it..
Fuzzy navels---peach tree and orange juice
Watermellon pucker...A shot of that in a glass lol


Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Sex On The Beach! With my twist.
First I get a high ball glass, and fill it with ice.
Then I add a shot or 2 of Malibu Coconut rum.
I make mine with Welch's White Grape/Peach juice drink. And pour that over the ice and rum, to the top.
I don't float cream on the top of it, cause once it was served to me that way. And I commented that I thought the inclusion of coconut flakes in the drink was especially cool. The bartender said they didn't add coconut flakes. That's when I realized the white strands where from the soured cream they poured on the top of the drink.
So no cream for me!

Sherman, TX
age: 39
Tequila Sunrise
2 or 4 measures of tequila,
Orange juice,
A dash or two of grenadine.
Pour tequila in a highball glass with ice, and top with orange juice. Stir. Add grenadine by tilting glass and pouring grenadine down side by flipping the bottle vertically very quickly. The grenadine should go straight to the bottom and then rise up slowly through the drink. Garnish stirrer, straw and cherry-orange.

Jacksonville Beach, FL
age: 52
Malibu with Pineapple-Orange Juice during the warmer months.
Lambrusco with Apple Cider & a cinnamon stick heated in the microwave in the colder months.
Sorry, I just eyeball everything and mix to taste. 
