2/17/2008 6:20:12 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Truro, NS
age: 33
How true are you to your mate if something where to happen real bad will you say with your mate and help them through it?
2/17/2008 6:40:29 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

York, SC
age: 30
Yes, I would try. I have been there, he had a drinking problem that later turned into drugs. We were togeather a little over six years. I tried to get him help, I stood by his side through thick and thin. All I got in return was heartache, not only for me but also for my kids. Now I regret staying so long because my kids paid for it. You can't help ppl who don't want it, and if they don't I say get out.
2/17/2008 6:42:43 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Valdosta, GA
age: 47 online now!
I have been there done that, and agree, you can't help anyone who won't help themselves, and if your relationship is in trouble, both people have to be trying to fix it.
2/17/2008 6:48:16 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
My ex was bi polar. I did not know until after the nuptuals. I stayed 17 years and did my best to hold it together. There came a time it was get out or die. I took it as long as I could..the mood swings, the womanizing, abuse etc. I have a right to live a good life and I finally took that opportunity. I guess his illness is why I can't hate him. The bad thing though is he never saw himself as being ill and would play games about getting help. I care about him as a friend..I wish him no ill will. I do get quite angry if I think about the things done in the marriage so I try to stay out of that frame of mind. Not a good place to be.
2/17/2008 6:52:56 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Des Moines, IA
age: 44 online now!
I stayed with my ex-husband through cancer, bankruptcy, death (his) and when they brought him back to life and he came home...
I stayed through 6 years of no sex
I stayed through his online affair
I never cheated and yes, I could have.
I don't cheat.
I commit and I mean it.
Will I love someone again?
But only if they make it through the background check, the drug test, the blood analysis and the first 12 dates.....
Baby learns the lessons the hard way.
2/17/2008 6:53:33 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Alpharetta, GA
age: 34 online now!
Yes, unconditional love, although many don't show it, it is capable by those who do it.
2/17/2008 6:54:30 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Poynette, WI
age: 46
i hope i get the chance to find that out again
2/17/2008 7:31:16 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Sherman, TX
age: 23
a person can only get hurt and give so many chances until all hopes of keeping it together are over then you have to think of your on feelings and sanity . Then there is only one other thing to do move on
2/18/2008 7:41:03 AM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45
Depends. Was it self inflicted (did he go out and murder someone so that this question is asking if we will stand by him while he does time for it), or did someone do something bad to them that was none of their own doing. BIG difference. Many times you find out that person was not even who/what you thought they were.
2/18/2008 9:43:35 AM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Seaside, OR
age: 47
I think it surely depend on the gravity of that situation. Obviously all will be different as will everyone's reactions to those situations...That said;
My ex-wife of 17 years had spinal fusion surgery during our seperation. I moved back into the house to care for her for 6 months. Eventually healed, divorced as agreed upon and remain close. She's in some trouble now and am leaving shortly for south Florida to help her out again. I will, even in seperation/divorce still stand by this person and support her in any way I am able to.
Then there was a g/f after my divorce. Lovely Canadien lady whom I fell deeply for and was with for 4+ years. She cheated on me and lied out-right about it, but eventually admitted the affair. Asked for forgiveness, which I could not do in this case. The pain was too deep and the time vested wasn't nearly enough to "try". At my age, it just wasn't worth it.
2/18/2008 10:11:17 AM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Sarasota, FL
age: 41
Can I love my mate NO MATTER WHAT ???
hell no...that's an easy one....everything is conditional and has a 'price'
Kick them to the curb ! (if it's un-workable)
2/18/2008 2:30:38 PM |
Can you love your mate no matter what??? |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
Of course I would stick by my mate no matter what. That is unconditional love. But if he ever cheated on me, I always keep extra spare keys handy in case he cheats on me, so I can run him over with my car. I would not necessarily hurt him, but I have run over mens feet before. It is quite interesting, and I am still well respected.