2/18/2008 12:46:35 PM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
I would like to know if you have a date with someone. How long are you supposed to wait before leaving if they don't show up?I usually wait an hour before leaving.But I bet that's too long.I don't know maybe I look like the type of guy who looks like it would be fun to stand up.What do you guys do?Besides dump her ass.
2/18/2008 3:38:54 PM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
bass,sounds like you get stood up alot.as for me it all deppends if she's worth the wait. theres one out there that id wait forever for.
2/18/2008 5:08:11 PM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 43
I'de wait about ten minute...maybe 15. Then I'de go to the corner bar sinse I had to take a shower and put on clean underwear....no sense in wasting all that effort.
2/19/2008 7:17:27 AM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
I do get stood up alot.The last time I was stood up was yesterday.
2/22/2008 7:33:02 AM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
I hate that.
2/26/2008 8:49:49 AM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
It sucks being me.
3/5/2008 8:27:37 AM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
But there's jus tnothing to do but wait and wait and wait.Well I'm tired of waiting for my dates to show up but instead they have the nerve to stand me up.
3/10/2008 4:48:19 PM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Mattoon, IL
age: 53
the party starts when i get there.i quit waitin imeadiatly.im out to have fun with or without her.         
3/10/2008 4:50:13 PM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Mattoon, IL
age: 53
looks like you wait on people to answer u to much tooooooooooooo!
3/11/2008 7:43:56 AM |
How long are you supposed to wait??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
Well yeah maybe.