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2/19/2008 9:43:06 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Gresham, OR
age: 19

How are we to live our lives? give examples
2/20/2008 3:04:17 AM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Walk in the path of Jesus, Place your full faith in Him. Keep your eye on His Light.
Obey the big ten as close as you can, adhere to the Be attitudes, spread His word.
Speak with Him continually, fit Him in with your conversations with man.

2/20/2008 9:20:30 AM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Pocatello, ID
age: 37
I thank are walk should be with love if someone comes up to tack
with and say hi way would should walk tack to them 1.COR 13:1-13
talls us how to love every one if we don,t love 
2/20/2008 4:16:26 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I try to help anyone that needs helped. I don't think I am better than anyone & don't think anyone is better than me. I like to do things in secret, so that no one knows. We are suppose to love one another...not be judgemental. I truly believe we are who we are because of our experiences in life, so I treat everyone with respect & compassion. I hope people look at me as a happy person.
My testimony is not brawl beating the scriptures, but the way I live. I pray I am doing it right.
[Edited 2/20/2008 4:17:27 PM]
2/20/2008 6:24:50 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Gresham, OR
age: 19
rich -
I was looking for something a little more realistic. I know thats what the bible says and all but what does walking like jesus look like and feel like? If you know what i mean? how do you spread his word around?
kinda how faith was describing not being judgemental and helping people out
[Edited 2/20/2008 6:25:25 PM]
2/20/2008 6:54:45 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Hickory, NC
age: 55
I no if I am out and I am talking with people and they can't tell any differance
in me I must not be doing something right,for I think people can tell by the way
we let our life show,I am not saying you are preaching but they much see a person full of love, pease, joy, not that you want have a down day.But you want use word that are
not of GOD, once I was talking with a person and they looked at me and said are you a christan and I said yes and they said I can tell.
2/25/2008 10:23:19 AM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Cohoes, NY
age: 50
hey winged, noticed u in other religion sites, looks like u really may be searching your soul or maybe not, to be honest about your question if u have read the new test. u can see how Jesus lived and taught, his main reason for being here,was to Love and to show how to Love. Oh and its not easy sometimes, I have brought 5 sons, and have had 2 divorces, gone through breast cancer, but still trully believe. Were all human and sometimes it hard to love, but love is so important, without we would perish, the world is filled with so much, hatred,greed,racism,corruption,and sometimes I wonder does any body out there really know the true meaning of LOVE? but I keep pressing on and every day(even though there r trials, I experience,laughs which is sometimes me making someone laugh or they make me), always at least once a day talk of God or jesus to someone, compliment someone,share my heart,teach them something, just say hi to someone you might not normally think of, THESE r all forms of love.. And when at the end of the day u actually sit and think about all the little moments u had that were nice for u or another, u will see how many people were touched by LOVE..SORRY IM BABBLING.. your young and really starting out on your journey,life is like a roller coaster, the ups and downs(both r exciting,scarry,breathtaking,)and theres always,begining,end, but its what in between that makes u aware of one without the other,would make it a pretty boring ride. so life is always a challenge, God bless u and know that LOVE is the reason for the walk and the world trully needs more people walking with love in their hearts.. heart::    
[Edited 2/25/2008 10:26:25 AM]
2/26/2008 11:39:46 AM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Chester, VT
age: 44
I struggle with this too, as do a lot of Christians. I understand your question, it's easy to hear what it is but to understand it as a visual is different.
Whenever someone asks me questions to do with the bible, I tend to give them examples that can be visualized, it seems to help.
So I'll give it a try, I really hope it helps. Living for Christ is not about what you should or should not be doing. It's about loving Him, and the rest will follow. We won't be perfect until Jesus brings us home. Living for Him, is a process that takes time to manifest. By reading His, word and spending time with Him each day, is what starts this process. Over time you will start to see that you've changed. Other people will notice and wonder why you always so happy.
Like a new relationship, you fall in love with someone, then you want to please that person. It's no different with Jesus, you'll do something that maybe wasn't quite right, and you will feel convicted and go back and fix it, because you want to. You'll ask Jesus to forgive you and that's it, you won't do that particular thing again. For instance a clerk gives you to much money back, you leave the store glad that you have more then you started with, by the time you reach your car, you start feeling that this is wrong, so you go back and return it. People will start to comment on the difference in you from most people, that's when you can say, it's not me, but Jesus in me.
I hope this helps, God Bless
2/27/2008 11:21:13 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Portland, OR
age: 18
Um... Meet with God, talk to him, and either give your life to him or don't. The rest tends to work itself out. Contrary even to what many Christians believe, God is a real being, you can actually meet him, and you can have experiences with God that are as "real" as they would be with any other thing which you cannot see, but that exists {such as wind.} True, one cannot normally observe God, he is outside of time and space, just as I am outside of one of my drawings. The Creator is not limited by the rules of his creation.
2/28/2008 1:03:59 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
When I was a teen, I used to think that going to church on the weekends and tithing would make me a Christian.
I also used to think that helping the needy, having morals, not doing wrong to anyone and being a good person would made me a Christian. I was wrong.
I learned that even though religions / church talk about Christ, it did not made me a Christian and no matter how good of a person I was, it did not matter a bit as that did not made me a true Christian either.
So, what made me a true Christian?
Estableshing a relationship with God! Spending time with Him, including Him in my daily life, accepting Him as my savior, Putting my life in His hands and letting Him fight all my battles for me.
What does all that mean in plain English?
It means there are only two ways to live our lives.
1) We can live our lives the right way (God's way) or...
2) We can live our lives the wrong way (our way)
One of those ways brings peace, abundant life, joy, wealth, good health and blessings, while the other only brings h_ ll to our lives here on earth. (stress, lonelyness, pain, confusion, disappoinment, frustration, failure, adultery, darkness etc.)
To answer your question....
How are we to live our lives? give examples
- Include God in your every day life the same way a parent desires for their children to include them in their lives
- Establish a relationship with God daily the same way a parent desires for their children to communicate with them, call them not only when they need money but to tell them how much they love and appreciate them and to thank them for having them in their lives and always being there for them.
God is always anxiously awaiting for His children to seek for Him as His love for us is stronger and greater than the bond between a mother and her child.
3/4/2008 11:45:59 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Beaverton, OR
age: 40
In addition to some of the wonderful posts I would like to add that it is picking onself up each and every time they stumble on the path of life. No perfection, just the constant desire to improve and always live in God's presence.
3/16/2008 12:37:46 PM |
What do you think the christian walk should be? |

Black Canyon City, AZ
age: 48
Stop submitting to the beast would be a good start. Stop worshipping in the synagogues of satan (incorporated churches) for these are the money changers of today. Stop supporting the murder of innocents through abortion, false flag wars of agression, and the ruling elite's Eugenics program. Stop poisoning our children with experimental mercury laden vaccines and phsychotropic drugs that cause suicidal tendencies. Stop getting poisoned and dumbed down with sodium-flouridated water and tell-a-vision (tv=image of the beast), and start thinking as individuals. Start learning the truth about what's happening in the world today, learn who the enemy is, accept reality, and stop living in dillusion. For these things may go a long way in stemming the current tide of self destruction and tyranny in the world today. Let us make ready our hearts and minds for the return of our great Lord and Savior, and not be decieved to worship the beast! Let us be found repenting when He comes to gather us in.