Grandview, TX
age: 36
I woke up and found the sun shining right down on me.
I stood and stretched smiling at the brand new day.
The breeze swept by me, I can smell nature all around me.
I was ready for my morning shower to feel alive again.
After the shower I will do some people watching.
I hope I get lucky to day, I hope some one picks me.
Hey you! I am right here. damn they just walk right by.
I need to stand out I need to shine, I am beautiful.
I reached as high as I could, I am ready this is my day!
Some one is... Maybe...
I close my eyes and hold my breath. Yes! I was chosen.
The roses looked at me being lifted up. I waved bye.
For I am a sunflower!
I may not be as beautiful as a rose, but my beauty is on the inside.
Ely, MN
age: 31
Very nice!
New Auburn, WI
age: 29
i just love your words.
Crawfordsville, IN
age: 49
u do the heart and soul much good!!!