2/21/2008 9:35:35 AM |
city girls to the country |
Prophetstown, IL
age: 40
i live in a small com. 2,100 people farming com. i manage a big farm, do ladies like the country life. farming has been in my blood for my hole life don't know much else. i guess what i'm tring to say ,is if u found the right person would u move to be with them . i love the life i live just can leave the farm. guys u can chim it too. would anyone move to be there for there other half?
2/21/2008 3:38:44 PM |
city girls to the country |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
I'm a farmer too. It takes a special kind of woman to live on a farm, but they are out there!
2/22/2008 6:50:08 AM |
city girls to the country |
Bellevue, WA
age: 89
LOL Just had to laugh at the idea of Miss Priss on the farm. Sure, lots of women either do, or could learn to love it. But watch out for the ones with fake nails and such. Anyone this shallow and prissy is just going to snivel if she breaks one, then it just gets louder when she finds out how far away the nearest salon is.
And the animals. Sure, they make funny sounds, but nothing compared to the ones coming out of the prissys when they actually have to get near one LOL
But hey, it is fun to watch!
2/23/2008 8:07:37 AM |
city girls to the country |
Carlock, IL
age: 36
Small com. of 2100 people....Holy cow. Thats a major city compared to Carlock.
Population 500
2/23/2008 9:57:50 AM |
city girls to the country |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
i use to bail hay with my grandparents when i was little...and watched them take their horns off...and lookin at the baby calfs they r so cute...... I could get use to it again 
2/24/2008 2:57:18 AM |
city girls to the country |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Hey Nil, I can top that! Where I live, used to be a small mining town, The mine folded and they tore down all of the houses. All that is left is the old school house. That is where I live. If you look at a good Illinois map, Gilchrist is still on there so the population of my town is 1! They gave me a Farmington address so that the post office would know where to file my mail!!
2/24/2008 5:09:02 AM |
city girls to the country |
Peoria, IL
age: 36
Now that's small, LOL. I didnt come from a small town but it's no big city either. Alton, IL is where i'm from. I could get used to a farm. I think farmers have good values and work ethics. As long as you know how to treat a woman and she knows up front what to expect anything is possible. She needs to have an open mind and is willing to get her hands dirty. God my kids would go wild knowing they could play in the dirt, LOL.
2/24/2008 6:47:27 AM |
city girls to the country |
Bellevue, WA
age: 89
LOL Even the concrete can't hold me back. Was soooooooooooooooooo happy when it was finally warm enough to go outside yesterday. Started cleaning up the strawberry plants, and will get to the rest in time. Neighbors all think I am a bit odd, as they all have landscapers at about $5000 a month (no not illegals, all very much American LOL) and can't imagine doing yard work themselves, except to point where they want the new stuff LOL Have even hired me several times in the past for any "touchy" jobs that they don't trust the crews with. But they sure do come around when the jams, cookies, etc come flowing out. They just LOVE those huge platters of Christmas cookies that go out. Once went out to get the mail and 3 kids were on the front porch. The smell of the jam brought them LOL
And yeah, always get those calls for the fresh herbs all summer long. Many just call me the "plant lady".
2/24/2008 10:52:14 AM |
city girls to the country |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Personally, I'd like to have Gypsy here on the farm with me. On second thought, She'd make me work even harder than I do now! LOL...Just kidding Gypsy!
2/24/2008 11:32:31 AM |
city girls to the country |

Rockford, IL
age: 42
City girls can adapt to country living. For me I was moved from a small farming town to a big city. I could very easly go back to counrty living anytime.
2/24/2008 12:14:10 PM |
city girls to the country |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Yes, but you grew up on a farm. Try getting a city girl to muck out a stall! Ain't gonna happen!
2/24/2008 3:13:19 PM |
city girls to the country |
Sioux Falls, SD
age: 57
I'll try anything once, and I'm a city girl from birth 
2/24/2008 5:17:03 PM |
city girls to the country |
Hannibal, MO
age: 53
I'm definatly a small town country girl, and love it...
Been in the big city for years and years, and came back where I feel more at home...
We have two main streets here.....One east and west, and the other north and south...
Population 1100. Blink and you'll miss it for sure....So I tell everyone I live between the cows and the corn in Illinois......
[Edited 2/24/2008 5:17:54 PM]
2/25/2008 7:39:47 AM |
city girls to the country |
Bellevue, WA
age: 89
mbk "Personally, I'd like to have Gypsy here on the farm with me. On second thought, She'd make me work even harder than I do now! LOL...Just kidding Gypsy!"
I dunno. Might make you run that weedeater LOL Nope, can't run a lawnmower through my lot. Too many planting beds and such here and there, just enough grass to walk through and around really. Guy across the street used to scratch his head wondering how I did cut the grass with all of those in the way, until I did it on a weekend when he was home LOL Yelled across the street, "Was wondering how you got that done!" LOL Creativity is one of the MOST useful and transferable skills I have.
But when the work is done, there is fresh jam, killer wine, (been told my biscotti tastes good dipped in the wine, but sounded too icky for me to try), and the protective herbs do keep the bugs away, no mosquitoe bites here, and I have other plants that heal the blisters etc. Then there is a sunny deck that overlooks the ocean to rest on. LOL I have even put some of the strawberry pots out there, with a sugar bowl, so a pregnant friend could just sit there and munch while we talked.
And yeah, lots of it goes into the Christmas goodies too.
2/26/2008 2:37:05 AM |
city girls to the country |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
LOL!!! I only mowed my yard twice last year! God, I love my goats!!