Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
It seems that this is the sanest place on the site lately. Have you all noticed as well? Holy cow....the jungle is very restless again. Sure hope it settles back down quickly...too many very good people, to keep having this amount of dissension. So to all you happy Californians.....have a marvelous day....and we will figure out a "fire ring meet up" for us all. I for one, am tickled that this has produced such interest. Who would have thunk it? lol
Crescent City, CA
age: 34 online now!
Hi. Glad to see that you are back to your old "chipper" self!
Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
(taking a bow) Absolutely feeling better and better. Thank you for noticing. Death; you have mail.
Did we lose the Whalemstr?
Oh Pallyboy.....are you here yet?
Buena Park, CA
age: 62
hey fellow california people
i like the fire ring idea or just a get together
Santa Rosa, CA
age: 51
Gray. Fire ring topic keeps us all looking forward to spring and meeting up with some good people. All suggestions welcomed.
Walnut Creek, CA
age: 51
Its not spring here yet ?
Have you watched the weather reports in other parts of the country
ita always spring in california