Longview, TX
age: 36
I dated a guy in school because he was cute, taller than me and he was funny. He was also the only guy on campus that had his own car. He would come over and while he was inside my house visiting, my mother would be outside scoping every part of the inside of his car, (yes, she literally researched my boyfriends). My mother and I go to Walmart and to my unflattered amazement, I see this tall guy with a neon green mohawk walk in the entrance, and OH NO!, its him..... My mother and I are standing beside clothes racks and I discretely whisper to her, look mom, it's Lonnie, oh my God can you believe what he did? I told her it would be my worst nightmare if he happened to notice me so can we please just go to another area. On our way to the "other area" I run smack dab into a maniquan and me and the maniquan fall to the floor together and of course Lonnie spotted us. I've never been more embarrassed, but I laugh now. Lonnie, you know who you are, if you are reading this post, I must tell you that there are ways to get noticed without scaring people!

United Kingdom
age: 35

Washington, DC
age: 46
Damn, Michelle, but it's the only way I knew how to!! Wanna see my new piercing?

Longview, TX
age: 44
I guess the maniquan didn't have a clue what was happening huh? 

Davis, CA
age: 28
yes, neon green mohawks scare me too. but neon pink ones, hell yes. gimme gimme. bring on the piercings, i got em too.