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2/23/2008 4:30:21 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Largo, FL
age: 33

just wonder

2/23/2008 4:32:44 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Industry, PA
age: 37

for me the longest i went without it was a year.. that is after i started having sex

[Edited 2/23/2008 4:34:17 PM]

2/23/2008 4:33:22 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Ponca City, OK
age: 34

13 years

2/23/2008 4:37:39 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Wappingers Falls, NY
age: 43

seems like every time is too long

2/23/2008 4:38:37 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Wind Ridge, PA
age: 29

Been about 5 or 6 months if i remember correctly.

2/23/2008 4:44:06 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Riverview, FL
age: 39

9 months when i was married.....he thought withholding sex was punishment for me....

2/23/2008 4:45:21 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Ramona, CA
age: 46

8yrs.........he couldn't perform......yea......I'm loyal like that!

2/23/2008 4:46:35 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Riverview, FL
age: 39

metu ....i can totally relate!!!

2/23/2008 4:48:17 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 40

1267 days and counting

2/23/2008 4:48:37 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Decatur, AL
age: 38

over 1 1/2 yrs...

2/23/2008 5:03:20 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Hagerstown, MD
age: 52

4 years 3 weeks 12 hours 24 minutes and 3seconds and it was worth the wait when I finally did get it again

2/23/2008 5:03:42 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Milwaukee, WI
age: 64

What the hell is sex?

2/23/2008 5:05:25 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Longmont, CO
age: 41

2 years and counting

2/23/2008 5:11:58 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

Quartzsite, AZ
age: 57 online now!

Also 2 years and counting!

2/23/2008 5:13:36 PM what is the longest time without sex??  

San Diego, CA
age: 46 online now!

Certainly over a year. Maybe five times in the last 7-1/2 years of my marriage. But, I was withholding it from her -- she actively was destroying everything I provided (nice home, new hardwood floors, I did all the shopping, cooking, taking kids to school/appointments) while working full time as she watched TV all day, and dumping junk food and spilling sodas all over the place -- never cleaning up after herself.

I don't need someone to cater to me in shared home, but I expect a partner to pick up after themselves.

I found I don't need it, and if the other aspects of a relationship aren't gelling, I don't want it. ewwwww.

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