2/23/2008 5:15:24 PM |
What do you believe in? |


Akron, IN
age: 61
Tell us what makes you passionate. What do you believe in?
Tell us what you believe in and makes you pissed off or happy.
2/24/2008 5:50:55 PM |
What do you believe in? |

Berne, IN
age: 29
I am going to do some venting few ideas and reality.
Someone makes 100k a year can file there Taxes for free, But someone that made 28K a year served in the Mil 2 1/2 yrs payed into the GI bill gets NO financial aid for Collage
2/25/2008 2:23:02 AM |
What do you believe in? |

Connersville, IN
age: 54
2/26/2008 3:38:43 PM |
What do you believe in? |
Mooresville, IN
age: 59
I believe in being authentic, genuine and real - in being me, the person I came to this planet to be.
I am passionate about children - teaching them to be themselves, to treat themselves with respect and live their lives with dignity, and honor. I absolutely have the worst time when I see children being publicly humiliated or belittled or discounted or made fun of. I cannot tolerate child abuse.
I respect all life - my elders for the wisdom they learned and share with me; my peers for living in this moment in time with me; and children, for they are our future.

2/28/2008 7:19:41 PM |
What do you believe in? |
Madison, IN
age: 56
i believe that without the Lord i am nothing. He has blessed me so often with new friends, children and family who care. I am passionate about many things. giving people hope when they have no hope, sharing and just being there for them in their darkest hour. i want to give back what has been given to me. love God andlove your neighbor would make a differance in todays society. children are our inheitence and i believe they need to be nourished. and encouraged, there are so many negatives and they need positive renforcements.
3/1/2008 7:29:58 PM |
What do you believe in? |


Cicero, IN
age: 62
I believe that I was put on this earth for a purpose. Since God isn't telling me what that is I believe I just have to do what is in my heart. Be kind and compassionate to everyone. Share what I can of myself with others. We never know how our actions could impact a total stranger. As for me, I would hope my actions would empower and lift others. And I don't ever need to know or be recognized for those acts.
I believe in random acts of senseless kindness.
3/11/2008 12:56:18 PM |
What do you believe in? |

Lake City, TN
age: 52
I believe and hope and pray that I will be able to find true love out there again.... have had two really great and awesome husbands but the good Lord decided they were both needed in Heaven....
3/13/2008 8:55:35 PM |
What do you believe in? |


Seymour, IN
age: 63
How selfish!!!!!!!!!! I have had 4 and not a one worth the powder to blow him to you know where.
5/29/2008 10:25:21 PM |
What do you believe in? |

Warsaw, IN
age: 64
i belive in god...aND MYSELF!!!!!!   
6/4/2008 7:52:13 AM |
What do you believe in? |

Terre Haute, IN
age: 59
I am going to do some venting few ideas and reality.
Someone makes 100k a year can file there Taxes for free, But someone that made 28K a year served in the Mil 2 1/2 yrs payed into the GI bill gets NO financial aid for Collage
you'd need more than financial aid - roflmao
learning to spell college might be a good start...
or... is there a d in it - colleDge... ??? 
6/5/2008 3:50:18 AM |
What do you believe in? |

Middletown, IN
age: 62
Gosh by this time in life, I have a lot of things I believe in but most things along the way have proven to be 'debateable'.....I believe the truth is how YOU see it.
What pisses me off? Anyone who is judgemental about another human being......
anyone that is mean to an animal
6/6/2008 3:23:29 AM |
What do you believe in? |
South Bend, IN
age: 36
I am going to do some venting few ideas and reality.
Someone makes 100k a year can file there Taxes for free, But someone that made 28K a year served in the Mil 2 1/2 yrs payed into the GI bill gets NO financial aid for Collage 
Did you finish out your contract? I've been in 19 yrs so if you didnt that has something to do with it.. FYI
6/6/2008 3:41:11 AM |
What do you believe in? |
South Bend, IN
age: 36
Wow now this is a great topic!
What am I passionate about holy cow so many things..
But I would like to start off with life its self! Someone in this topic spoke of being in the military I spent 14 yrs active 5 reserves and been deployed to a number of places and some good a lot of them bad.. It was the bad ones that made me so happy to come from a great place.
All to often we forget the little things we take for granted. I’ve found out the hard way that these things are the ones we should cherish the most.
Just home in general.
I simply believe for me being happy is being alive. life is hard, it sucks at times but then there are those moments that you look and go im so happy to have had the chance to live it.
Things that piss me off
People who complain about EVERYTHING oh this is too hard or I cant do this or that. Get up off of your dead a** and do SOMETHING and stop being a waste!
I hate the term “I can’t” you can’t because you don’t want to.
Case in point,
This woman I know, has 1 child everyday I listened to her complain and say “I can’t” about not being able to go to school or get a job or hell just live. My mother, whom is my hero raised 6 kids finish college and held a job and was there for me when I needed. all at a time after my father her husband of 20 years died of cancer. If she can do it with 6 she could do it with 1.
Now while saying this I will make this public service announcement (having and raising a child/ren is hard)
I know the military has made me look at things different but when you see people who truly would love a chance to have no fear or death looming around them? It’s hard not to think why wouldn’t you take advantage of every min of every day and be happy!
6/21/2008 4:44:20 PM |
What do you believe in? |

Chattanooga, TN
age: 41
Volunteering in food pantries, homeless kitchens, overnight shelters. That's what makes me passionate I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been homeless once each as a child and adult, and can relate to knowing that most people are just one paycheck away from being homeless. In the Lafayette area, I did all of the above plus intern one semester while at Purdue in a halfway house, helping people with their finances.
Tell us what makes you passionate. What do you believe in?
Tell us what you believe in and makes you pissed off or happy.
6/21/2008 5:27:13 PM |
What do you believe in? |


Pisgah, AL
age: 46
I agree with my friend, JMT.
I worked 3 jobs, raised 3 kids by myself while my husband lived out of state, went to Nursing School then off to Pre-med and have a degree in Psychology and Biblical Studies. I owned my own Counseling Center as I was a volunteer Clergy for Mills Manor Nursing Home and Hickman Co. Detention Center, Mayfield Homeless Shelter and volunteer Director of Hope Anxiety & Depression Support Group. I taught my kids to give back to society. My son, Matt plays Santa on Christmas day at the local Nursing Home. We buy present for the residents instead of each other. It is Jesus' birthday, not mine. I believe if you can lift up the fallen, then you SHOULD! I also preach revivals and do motivational speaking. I was asked to run for Mayor of our town because of my volunteer work. I worked with prisoners and the court system to help those who can't help them self until they are encouraged to do so. I don't believe in "I can't" or "You don't know what I have been through, it's just too hard for me". I'll match your life story with mine any day. My husband gambled away our home on Christmas Eve and me and my 3 kids got to sleep in our car on the side of the road. So don't tell me you "CAN'T" just admit you "WON'T TRY"... I guess that's what I believe and my pet peeves in one essay. God bless all who smile at others and don't mind helping out someone down on their luck! God will send Angels to assist those who help them self!