3/1/2008 2:45:38 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Statesville, NC
age: 47
This is a question I have wondered about for some time
hope some one can answer it
3/1/2008 3:20:47 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Strasburg, VA
age: 48 online now!
Well I am no skinny chick but my take is that over weight people are more prone to illness. That is serious enough in the younger set but after 40 and beyond it takes on a whole new meaning. They also tend to tire more easily and tend to have a lower energy level. When we are looking to spend our remaining years with what we hope to be our last partner we want them to be around for a while and enjoy the same kind of quality of life that we hope for ourselves.
3/1/2008 4:49:09 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Oakdale, CA
age: 52
your right we are not healthy we heavey ones,its a hard battle but all of us have to get serious and get as much weight off as possible, just not good for anyone, i always feel terrible.
3/1/2008 5:26:12 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |
Reedsburg, WI
age: 44
I don't mind fat men as long as they are not sloppy fat men. I'm referring to the ones who just don't give a shit about whether or not they are clean or wear decent(no holes & shirt tales tucked in) clean clothes, unkept hair or beards...that sort of thing. I require that from every man.
[Edited 3/1/2008 5:27:36 PM]
3/2/2008 8:59:43 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Louisville, KY
age: 46
I can ask the same question in reverse....me, I don't care what they weigh, it's the insides that matter, you WILL look different as you get older, a beautiful person on the inside will always be beautiful.
3/2/2008 9:08:24 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Pevely, MO
age: 50
I dont like fat men....i like average men that r acttive...and not sloppy lookin....got to be fit...
[Edited 3/2/2008 9:08:43 PM]
3/4/2008 2:10:47 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Lampman, SK
age: 49
I would agree with lachtna it is what is on the inside that counts. I have seen things both way where some one can be thin and sick all the time or heavy but healthy. God made us all different it is more important to be health and fit than to be what other people view as attractive.
If we are content with who we are we will be happier than if we are always trying to be what other people think we should be.
3/4/2008 3:41:53 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Cuyahoga Falls, OH
age: 48
Unfortunately, this is something I am battling personally. Its not that there are not guys attracted to me, there are. BUT...we do live in a society where physical attributes are important.
One way around this is actually getting to know people. I am much heavier than I used to be, but for the most part I am the same person I always was...hopefully just wiser .
3/4/2008 4:05:11 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Lillington, NC
age: 52
Now see I have the opposite problem, some in a nice way have told me I’m too thin. The other thing that gets me is when a woman finds out I don’t have a lot of money, than poof I hear from them no more. Despite what some woman say they are looking for in a man, it seems to be the apposite down the road. Because of that I myself have found myself getting shallow too.
Don’t view that as a “Pore Richard” I am truly happy with who I am.
God’s Love
3/4/2008 4:28:27 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Carleton Place, ON
age: 47
It is not just to do with heavy set men Teddy. Looking after yourself is important not just for other peoples eyes, it's first and far most important to look good and be healthy to yourself. How you feel about yourself, is what people see first. 
3/4/2008 5:59:48 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Warren, MI
age: 48
I don't like men who are rails... or too big either, there must be a medium..... love handles are okay....
3/5/2008 6:26:44 AM |
Why women not like heavey set men |
Petersburg, IN
age: 47
I love larger men expecially if they are muscular too!
3/5/2008 8:43:27 AM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

West Monroe, LA
age: 41
well i think it boils down to honesty.im overweight due to being disabled and ive had women try take advantage of me who already have a slim partner before.ive learned to be viligent,like just looking out the door and see who is in their car.its amazing how often they be riding with the guy that their with lol.
3/8/2008 4:13:02 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Lillington, NC
age: 52
and the woman say us men are shallow
3/8/2008 6:37:30 PM |
Why women not like heavey set men |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
Ok heres my take on it.
A Big bellied man number 1 is risk of heart problems and breathing problems.
Number 2. I have tried sex with a heavy set man and sorry guys but there are some positions that a big belly gets in the way!
I like more than doggie style and guys with huge bellies can only do that.
I also like to sit facing a man straddling him..having sex. Cant do that with a big belly in the way not at all! Also Heavy set men cant be on top, we would get crushed.
It looks bad, it feels bad and it gets in the way
I dont mind some extra weight but huge bellies .. No!
psst...To thin is skin and bones ..No to that as well
[Edited 3/8/2008 6:40:05 PM]