Fayetteville, AR
age: 32
A Zen Buddhist walks into a pizza parlor.
He says to the clerk,"I'd like to order a pizza."
The clerk asks him,"What would you like on it?"
The Zen Buddhist replies,"I'd like it to be one with everything."
Albany, GA
age: 33
I get it, no really, I really do get it.
A termite goes into a bar and asks the first person he comes up to "Where is the bar tender?" the person replies "I don't know". The termite says well, do you know where the bar is chewy then?".
Ever seen a horsefly? I haven't either, cos' they don't have wings!
Ever seen an eggplant? I haven't. I just can't seem to get my head that far up a chickens ass.
What happens if you eat a half pound of hard cheese and a half pound of prunes at the same time?
A worm looks out a birds ass and asks the bird if flying was safe. The bird says "Sure is!". The worm says "Well, ok. You wouldn't shit me would ya?".