6/15/2007 12:47:45 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
I would like to hear if any of the readers have had an experience.
6/16/2007 2:55:43 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Louisville, KY
age: 36
Thankfully, I have never been involved in an incedent that resulted in an out-of-body experience. However, I have talked to two people that have. These are twe very different stories as well. The man who was our neighbor when I was younger had a cerebral hemorage and was in a coma for a very long time. He did survive and was not a "vegetable". When he was finally discharged from the hospital my mother and I went to visit him. He could not yet speak well and had to communicate by writing. He wrote I saw the Devil, I told him I was not scared, and I kicked him out.
The other person who told me of his experience was a patient where I work. We were talking about the knee surgery he had about a year before. He said he was still having problems with it but gald to be alive because he coded on the table and the physicians had a difficult time reviving him. Then he told me he had an out-of-body experience. I asked hime what that was like. He told me that it was great, he was not in pain, happy, and at peace. He said he did not want to come back and remembered saying he did not want to leave then the next thing he rembered was waking up in the ICU.
6/16/2007 7:35:18 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Kyle, TX
age: 70
Thank you, Sweet Lisa....those were lovely stories. I would like more persons to post if they know of anything.
8/4/2007 9:57:39 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
I've been to the edge,
and I've looked down
and it was a far ways down,
down, down, down,
I turned around and
walked away from the edge
for now?
8/4/2007 10:20:34 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
one of my wisdom teeth wasnt coming in right so the dentist said it had to be extracted. it was supposed to be a routine procedure so i went by myself. after they gave me the anesthesia the next thing i know i was looking down at myself and the dentist and the dental assistant were very panicky and screaming. i looked dead and they were trying to revive me. i felt a little sad to see myself like that, but there was a good feeling too that there was nothing to be scared of about dying. then i came back. i said forget the extraction and i still have my wisdom teeth and they don't bother me at all.
8/4/2007 10:28:15 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
wow that really happend?
a few months ago I had a childhood
friend pass away?
then about a week later just before I
woke up one morning, IN a dream I could hear
his voice, as plian as day, like he was right there
talking to me?
I normaly don't believe in that stuff?
8/4/2007 11:40:05 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
yes that really happened. what did ur friend say to u?
when my grandmother in china died, i heard her talk to me back home in brooklyn.
8/4/2007 12:02:23 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Bartlett, IL
age: 42
Hi china,,,Had to run out and pay some bills?
yeah, he was saying my name,
something like John, John, are you there?
but the thing that struck me was
(when i woke up) is how clear and honest
his voice sounded
it was completely free of dout and worry
8/4/2007 12:04:15 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Midlothian, VA
age: 34
yep I broke my neck and had a cut of my spinal chord 3 years ago .... to bad the priest waighted til I was wasted to read me my last right so that if I didnt wake up that first night ...... would have kindve liked to have been more sober for that experiance
8/4/2007 7:03:53 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Harrison, MI
age: 53
In my 52yrs.,I've had 3.What makes it hard for me
is I have to relive it when I speak of it.
When I was in my early 20's I was in a horse race
where my horse fell,I became a humane catapult.When I
landed,I was run over by 8 other horses.I woke up in
the operating room.I was standing next to the doctors
looking down at myself.I wanted to yell and say:I'm not
dead,nothing came out.I saw my wife(now ex),parents,and rest
of my family crying,like if I were dead.I didn't see God or
any white light like some claim.I spent a year and 3 months
in the hospital from that accident.For me it made me take
a different view on how to run my life.Its hard to explain
that part unless you also had such experience.
Every horse race is taped,to this very day I had never watched
the tape of my accident.
8/5/2007 7:09:44 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
wow hanover. i dont think i could have watched a tape of that either.
i also didnt see a bright light or god but i think what happened to me was only for a few minutes. i remember breathing very fast when i came back.
8/9/2007 10:28:46 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Lakeland, FL
age: 54
There is a plant called mexican sage which is legal and you can buy it. If you smoke the dried leaves it can produce an out of body sensation. It is legal and known as salvia. Too many near death experiances. Maybe that is why I am living but have no life.
8/9/2007 10:41:25 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Lakeland, FL
age: 54
Chinatowngirl! That happens to me all the time. I do not smoke that stuff I only knkow about it because my 15 year old used my credit card to buy some. What's a mother to do? I hear the doctors and nurses in the room with the person leaving. I feel the dead one pass me. Sometimes it could be the middle of the night when someone goes and I will sit straight up from comatose sleep because I hear them as if they are talking to me. I did not hear or feel my mom pass. About a month later a very vivid dream of my mom. She said she was lost there and could not find her way. I told her to go to her brother who she said she saw and heard. She said she would wait for one of us to come and get her. Her other brother has since passed away. Hope he got her. I get preminisions if it is someone very close to me. I would tell my mom when one of her relatives in Europe would be leaving. I thought it was only me. Incidentally I look just like a sister who was died 5 years before I was born. I was born with a scar on my head under my hair which she had on her when she died. When my dad saw me he told my brothers and sister he had gotten her back. He threatened them it would be very bad for them to hurt me in any way. Maybe something to that she and I are the same. I try to block these visions and voices our but once my dad gave me a number in a dream too but it did not win the lottery. I think it may have been something with the attacks on the trade center because it was about 2 weeks before the incident.
8/9/2007 10:28:52 PM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Lakeland, FL
age: 54
Forgot to mention the night before the earthquake in 1994 we were all at my house in CA. My daughter and her friends were talking about going to downtown LA the following day. As the evening wore on by 10:00pm I said to the girls staying over that there would be no trip to LA. That something BIG was going to happen that would prevent any of us from leaving the house. I had a feeling all around me that something was so wrong. When the quake hit at about 4 am the house was rocking and reeling. It was like walking through a ship in a really bad storm in high seas. Our house only lost 1 vase that was not secure on the fence in the back yard. Don't ask me how that happened because the refridgerater "walked" about 2 feet out of its enclosure. None of my cabinets had more than magnets holding them closed but nothing fell out of them. The neighbor across who was on the same line as us had their whole place wrecked. All the stuff flew off the shelves and out of their fridge. I made goulash and home made bread for the whole neighborhood that day because we all had to stay outside the whole day waiting out aftershocks. What a day. I was exactly right no one went anywhere that day. If I call my daughter and say be careful or something is coming. She knows to get ready. Now my son gets it too. When I say the chi is out of balance .... look out. I can't imagine how out of control these things would become if I did do drugs or alcohol.
8/12/2007 3:03:02 AM |
Has anyone had a near death out of body experience and ? |

Raleigh, NC
age: 29
ok... I am a post kidney transplant patient, this past January I was in the hospital for possible kidney rejection. For reasons still unknown my blood oxygen level droped suddenly to 26 percent(normal is around 95+) and my heart stopped. Everything that I experienced was completely lucid, I woke in the same hospital room the room was lit but the light seemed to come from everywere with out a visable source. Other than that everone who was there with me was people I have known that predeceased me I felt the same I do right now. I never experienced the "contentment" that other people have described. The first thing I thought after looking around was "oh S**T I'm dead", shortly after I felt like I was being pulled back. I opened my eyes to the face of my nurse. It took the doctor 8 minutes to revive me. Oh and no I had not been given any pain medication.