3/5/2008 4:27:12 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
Although I did not cross over and vote democrat I know several people that did. I did not because there were referendums on the republican ballot that needed votes. I had a discussion with several that crossed over and the reasons vary but all agreed that Obama was ahead and has had a pass from the media in answering some hard questions while Hillary has been hammered.
Several questions were discussed that needed some answers including how he purchased a house for $300K less market value in conjunction with the land that was part of the house being purchased at full fair by a guy with apparently no money that is now being perused for money laundering. Obama has yet to explain the NAFTA / Canada incident in sufficient detail, explaination for his mind boggling senate debate in support of live birth abortion, further details on just how and what he intends to do with our long range military plans and details on how he plans to gut it, just how he plans to just pull out of Iraq and what will he do if a blood bath follows, just to name a few topics of discussion.
He gets a pass by the media and Hillary gets the tough questions to answer although we know much about her already. What’s fair about that? Not a damn thing. We deserve to know just exactly who this man is that could become the next commander in chief. The cross over vote contributed to hopefully buying a little time to find out before its to late.
3/5/2008 7:18:23 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Livonia, MI
age: 28
If they do a REVOTE here in Michigan I think there will be allot of that.I know I will!
3/5/2008 7:41:35 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
You can count on it.
3/5/2008 9:15:52 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Mesquite, TX
age: 57
I crossed over as did most people i know.. It will be interesting at the convention now... Willy
3/5/2008 10:19:12 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
I need to ask a question about texas? Why can you cross over and why do you get to vote twice? For instance, one vote can go to hillary, and one vote can go to obama right? or both can go to hillary and both for obama. Why is that? If that is the way it is going to be, it should be like that for all states. Oh did you guys hear it on the news last night when obama was a little ahead in texas on the first primary, she said that she wanted a re-count because she said that someone was tampering with the ballot forms, and she wanted to call a conference, and her attorney was there. I am not going to ask who you guys voted for because its none of my business. But it looks like this is going to be one long election to see who gets the nominee. At least Senator Mccain can relax.
3/5/2008 10:33:26 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Lexington, KY
age: 48
swiftfalcon: We deserve to know just exactly who this man is that could become the next commander in chief.
SCW: Seems like most of you already "kniw," going by your messages on here.
What more do you need to know to vote against him?!
3/5/2008 11:32:54 PM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Evanston, WY
age: 50
soulcity,your rhetoric is loosing votes for obamma.
3/6/2008 5:20:37 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
belladreams The democrats set up a real hokey system here in Texas. 2/3‘s of the delegates are elected via popular vote and the rest are picked after the voting process is over. This 1/3 left from what I understand are the party’s power brokers, the strong arm people and the manipulators. At the convention they can vote any way they want regardless of how the popular vote went. It’s all a guessing game from here.
The Clinton machine know how to work the system so don’t be fooled by some of their posturing.
[Edited 3/6/2008 5:32:30 AM]
3/6/2008 5:28:24 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
soulcitywalker He or Hillary won’t get my vote. We already know much about Hillary but Obama has been getting a pass from the media in answering some questions that the public deserves to know. With Hillary’s recent win’s that kept her alive in this thing we may now get a chance as it appears the media might take their kid gloves off and demand some answers. Is that too much to ask?
3/6/2008 5:50:42 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Dalzell, SC
age: 39
Falcon...As far as SCW is concerned?? YES...that IS to much to ask! He wants him to win the nomination for one simple reason...facts and positions be damned!
3/6/2008 6:09:03 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
SCW is insinuating that I /we would not vote for him because of his race. That’s BS. The left thinks it’s just wonderful when a minority or a woman is on a ticket. They get much praise from all but if it’s a republican minority in a position look out they are every name in the book. They are not fooling anyone one.
3/6/2008 6:52:01 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Dalzell, SC
age: 39
Exactly...Micheal Steele from Maryland comes to mind. He ran for Sarbanes seat and was called an Oreo (and had Oreo's thrown at him during speeches). You have to love liberal tolerance.
Now, imagine either of the 2 current Democrat canidates getting the nod?? I can already hear the liberals playing the racist or sexist card everytime McCain challegnes them. It's a win-win for the libs and liberal mainstream media.
3/6/2008 6:53:38 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
anyone remember the Macaca remark from the GOP side
[Edited 3/6/2008 6:53:56 AM]
3/6/2008 6:58:32 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Dalzell, SC
age: 39
And that has to do with WHAT??? First of all, show me a definition for it. Until it was made such a big deal by Webbs campaign staff (and the media), I can guarntee you had no idea what it meant or that it was even a word.
Oreo is a direct connection of a black person that is white inside...same as Uncle Tom!!! Better yet, how about asking SCW if he supported Steele in his pursuit of the Senate. Hell, here is an African-American trying to achieve in this country. I could probably give you the answer, but let's see what he has to say.
[Edited 3/6/2008 7:03:27 AM]
3/6/2008 7:35:38 AM |
Cross over voting in Texas |

Atco, NJ
age: 37 online now!
actually im quite familar with the macac monkeys of the southern indian region that borders bengaladesh.Don't underestimate my worldly knowledge.how dare you!
[Edited 3/6/2008 7:37:32 AM]