Chandler, AZ
age: 55
Absolutely amazing..makes one think..great post hun...( wink ) Sea

Errington, BC
age: 47
Made me wish I had a special girlfriend after that. I thought I had lost that feeling.
So we're gradually getting attracted by that biggest star  

Castro Valley, CA
age: 40
This is one of the best "putting things in perspective" I've ever seen.
Thank You for sharing this.
Just struck me as one of those things you see and say to yourself for a second...
NO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janesville, WI
age: 43
This reminds of the movie I just took my daughter to. "Horton Hears a Who" , a whole planet on a little speck on a flower. Great post annaz.

Hermann, MO
age: 47
Sort of puts things in prospective doesn't it?? Thanks for Sharing!!


Barnhart, MO
age: 53 online now!
Thanks that was amasing. Is'nt God awsome? He knows every one of their names and I have trouble rembering my own name.

Omaha, NE
age: 53
yeah..sure makes you realize that creation is absolutely amazing...and we are just one little speck in the whole works..love it!

London, ON
age: 47
Since some chose to bring god into this picture. (pun intended) I offer a different perspective that is referred to as the "conscious anxiety syndrome".
Comprehensive Theory of God
Consider the evolution of consciousness as the ultimate goal in the evolution of physical form. Is there a consciousness backdrop that is helping life organize to greater complexity? In a multidimensional Universe, are higher dimensions helping organize life on the lower physical plane? This is a key concept that needs to be examined when discussing theories of God, a higher consciousness that purportedly rules over life-forms.
As single celled organisms evolved into multiple celled creatures, some cells mutated into specialized brain cells. Evolution eventually led to the creation of a central nervous system and the brain. That brain kept getting bigger until a threshold was reached and man gained self awareness. We see clearly in the natural order higher levels of consciousness corresponding to advancement in physical form, but only humans are self aware.
Self-awareness was the key threshold of consciousness that quickly led to God awareness, the perception of a greater consciousness. Did humans really find GOD or did they mislabel their perception? Could it be that humans detected their collective consciousness and called it GOD? Think of this way, if a cell in your body gained awareness that it was part of a larger being of yourself, could it understand what you are? You and your specialized brain cells can understand the cell completely but your individual cell can’t possibly comprehend what you are. To that single cell you are GOD. The cells in your body that make up you have a supra consciousness we call our mind stemming from a neural net of brain cells.
Likewise you can’t perceive the collective consciousness, the GOD of humanity, because of the limits of perception that an individual has relative to the whole. If a cell would call your mind GOD from its limited awareness, you then might call the collective consciousness of man, GOD. With this theory, we can scientifically explain why we have a perceptual problem understanding God.
Once the perception of god was realized, myths arose and circulated until religions formed to officially promote god ideas and theories, the institutionalization of god led to the adherence to doctrine. Religion is the institution formed to protect and promote the faith from generation to generation, a cultural meme. A meme is like a gene, a cultural concept passed to the next generation, a short term adaptation. Because religions are completely lost in erroneous interpretations of myth, they become distorted with time, fragment, and split into new faiths constantly warring with one another.
Religion is the institution of superstition, requiring little to no objective proof or evidence. Doctrine becomes a power structure easily manipulated by high priests (religious politicians) that want absolute psychic dominion over minds of men. All religions are confused because they start with the implied assumption that GOD was separate from humanity instead of sum of humanity being the parents of GOD, the supra-consciousness of man. Christians teach that GOD predated humanity and created the universe in seven days. Fundamentalist Christians attack evolution and ridicule the idea that man evolved from apes. They want to maintain the concept that humans were created by GOD and therefore man must obey the FATHER. They are political and want laws to force people to behave according to their teachings. Their actions betray their evil intention to control the psychic space and limit perception of man so that he never uncovers the truth about his true nature. Religion gravitates toward absolute thought control and has little to do with spirituality.
As we change our collective viewpoint, we changed our thoughts about our highest aspirations. God morphed in the Holy Bible, the Old Testament describes Jehovah as an angry vengeful God killing off humans in a flood, while the New Testament portrays God as the forgiving Jesus dying for mankind on a cross. If our vision of GOD is our highest aspirations, a new higher vision then would force us to change our viewpoint about GOD. Unfortunately for the Bible writers, they labeled GOD as eternally unchanging which directly contradicts writings about the contrary natures of Jehovah vs. Jesus.
So now we know why GOD changes with time and how it’s possible that GOD knows everything we are doing. GOD is humanities supra-consciousness that knows your individual thoughts which is all part of giant thought matrix probably of holographic form. (read the “Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot) We could postulate that once an individual makes the connection between self and the whole that human would gain GOD perception and power.
Why do human’s pray? No other animal on this planet prays. Humans believe that GOD is a separate ALL POWERFUL BEING living up in heaven and that praying to GOD will get HIM TO ACT on ONE’s behalf. GOD is SUPER MAN. (i.e. man’s supra-consciousness living up in heaven of the collective mind). We gain access to GOD through prayer and expect a positive response if we pray long enough. God’s special powers is why we love cartoons of supermen, men with special powers or god-like characters that can rescue us. They act in perfection, unlike us, never having a MIS TAKE. WONDER WOMAN is really ONENESS WOMAN, SUPER MAN is really SUPRACONCIOUSNESS MAN. Our cartoon heroes represent our hidden aspiration to become godlike.
What God are Christians actually referring to when they say “FEAR THE LORD”? If love and fear are polar opposites of emotions, and if Jesus is the model of the highest good, pure love, then Christians must be referencing the fear based god, Satan. There is no reason to fear love, so we should “FEAR THE LORD SATAN”. Fundamentalist Christianity is a fear based cult worshipping the anti-god Satan. Is it any wonder why fundamentalists universally hate dancing, lovemaking and a free society but love war, abstinence, and restrictions to free thought?
Fundamentalists have one common trait, they absolutely insist that all members rigidly adhere to doctrine. Any person joining a religious cult must suspend their mind, it is the price of membership. Swallowing religious dogma causes gullibility because the mind is put into suspended animation, the individual possessed by hologram angle of god, often referred to as "angelic possession. This is precisely why Evangelical Christians blindly support the Iraq War and it's absolute horrific suffering.
The more irrational the doctrine of a fundamentalist cult, the deeper the psychic pit the mind is thrown. Unable to reason, the mind operates in absolutes, cult members universally believe they are absolutely correct. This invariably leads to militancy and war, death the only means of escape for the mind boxed in by doctrine. Once indoctrinated, the mind is easily manipulated by cult leaders and clever politicians who can easily lead the dead minds into war.

Glendale, AZ
age: 36
great post. seen this before but really enjoyed it again. God is am awesome God.