Wayne, NJ
age: 55
pancreatic cancer is one of the worse cancers one can get and seeing around only 4 % can live for 5 yrs or more is sad enough--i just think the media thought this cancer spreads fast and of course that's where a few weeks left to live came in from media...if anything i hope he's in that 4% for sure

Nashua, NH
age: 53
Too much coffee

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
is it about cancer--i thought coffee was a threat to hardning of the arteries more if you drink it like you do water

Nashua, NH
age: 53
Let you in on a little secret, sorprano . . .
In 1995 Researchers discovered that coffee was the MAIN cause of pancreatic cancer.
Exactly one year later, they refuted all their work and the subject was put to rest.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it ?
When you think just how big the coffee industry is, here and all over the world, do you really think they are gonna let anyone stop this juggernaut from continuing on its happy way ? Noooooooo sir ! Those men were silenced ! It was all put to rest on purpose, just like the bitter almond and laetrile discovery back in the 70s for cancer.
NO ONE is taking down the coffee industry, NO ONE.
Money talks, bullshit walks, and those them there are the facts.

[Edited 3/6/2008 9:32:18 AM]

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
i can respect that: when i was a kid my parents entertained a couple their age and the children, we got to know each other too--it was sad to know the father of my new friends died of hardening of the arteries and the doctors then said: it was due to drinking heavy amts of coffee then--wow has science advanced now... maybe he had pancreatic cancer and mis- detected it then...