3/6/2008 7:59:07 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
I'm a huge Zelda fan.It's just that in wind waker its too easy to get the third pearl.It's just handed to you.No boss to fight!Where's the fun in getting the pearl if it's just going to be handed to you?I do like the rest of the game.Even though I have not yet beaten it. For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about its The Legend of Zelda:The Wind Waker.
3/10/2008 7:57:19 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 35
They still don't know what the hell you're talking about.
3/11/2008 7:16:38 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 35
The only way they would know if you had called the thread "The game called wind waker and what it's about".That's the only way.
3/13/2008 3:59:02 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Lockhart, TX
age: 61
I knew exactly what game you were talking about. It's one of my favs. I have played and beaten it about 3 times now. I have been hooked on Zelda since the very first game. The only one I didn't care for was Mask of Majorca cause it was timed. That sucked.
3/13/2008 7:08:18 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
Another part I don't really like is that one guy on windfall island.He bugs the shit out of you.I'm like come on give it a rest I'll rescue your damn girl when I can.
3/27/2008 5:34:36 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 32
This game blew huge donkey balls. I played and beat every Zelda game to date, even that stupid spinoff "Freshly Picked Tinkle's Rupeyland". I had to order that damned thing from England, so I do consider myslef a fan. Even then, I'll never understand why the sudden shift from the awesomeness of The Ocarnia of Time to some kiddy version graphics with a sappy plot. Part of the Zelda appeal is the mysticism aspect it puts out there. The Wind Waker and The Phantom Hourglass... whoever approved those should be smacked about for my amusement.
3/27/2008 8:03:38 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
The only ones I've beaten is "Ocarina of Time"and "Minish Cap".Although I've played almost every one.I've played the first two, "A Link to the Past", "Ocarina of Time", "Majora's Mask", "Four Swords", "Wind Waker", "Twilight Princess", "Phantom Hourglass"'and "Minish Cap".
3/30/2008 7:10:47 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Fayetteville, AR
age: 32
I'll agree with Blondie that Majora's Mask sucked for the time limit, but they still put more effort into the plot than the sniviling todies behind the Wind Waker.
4/1/2008 7:20:29 AM |
Anyone ever play wind waker??? |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
Has anyone ever succeded in giving Koume(part of twin rova in Ocarina of Time)(The one that attacks with fire)that dang red potion and keep from drinking the stuff yourself?