Great Lakes, IL
age: 22
Well im new into this website and i figured i would give something new a try. Im in the Military. The Navy to be exact im a corpsman or as many know us Field medics. Its funny cause we get told all throughout our carrers that 80% of all Naval marriages end in divorce yet truth be told i dont think when the times comes for me to get married that will happen. Yes, the time apart with the war going on is there but i mean come on does anyone beileve in vows anymore?
So i have to ask all of you since if your reading this your either bored or interested. What should a Navy man do when it comes to dating and finding a woman to be happy with?
So i am new to Illinois, i live in the Great Lakes area. Anything fun to do around here for a 21 year old guy? Besides going to the bar all the time. Dont get me wrong i like going clubbing and going bar hoping but not all the time.
Aurora, IL
age: 31
I wish I had something positive to say, sorry...
I got married at 19, and he was in bootcamp (for the Navy) two weeks later.
We were married for only 3 years, only one of which was happily. I will admit that our young age had something to do with the divorce, but military life was also very, very hard.
I do believe in marriage vows, and I would like to believe in love, fairy tales, and happily ever after, but it's just so rare nowadays...