3/19/2008 6:12:18 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

North Little Rock, AR
age: 36
Sorry, Gina. It's close to my heart & I jump quick. 
3/20/2008 5:49:57 AM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
no biggy hun. i was joking that's all. i don't spank my kids, i was hurt like that growing up and i refuse to spank my children.
although i do holler a lot which is a bad thing at times. but by no means would i ever want anyone to think that i beat on my children.
they are the best part of me and i couldn't bare to hurt them.
thankyou for your honesty and i'm glad you see my sarcasm now.
i do apologize if i brought back anything painful.
3/20/2008 3:28:36 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

San Jacinto, CA
age: 41
stormy,,,,,,,,,,,,i myself have add, and the best thing that i have ever heard of and done was to sit down for intense contration time of ten minutes, and get up to walk around, then ten more minutes of concentration.
seriously i was in special ed classes cause i beat up my math teacher, but my special ed teacher was the best. she realized that if i was allowed to walk around every ten to fifteen minutes, i was a better learner, paid more attention to her, and had better retension.
3/20/2008 3:30:02 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

San Jacinto, CA
age: 41
not only that, but i was less likely to disturb the class.
3/20/2008 3:32:19 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

San Jacinto, CA
age: 41
as far as a cure?????? good luck, i`ve had add my whole life, and i havent found one yet.
3/20/2008 8:40:28 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Clearwater, FL
age: 32
I am looking at all the responses and naturally everyone thinks of diet and meds. The obvious, but also to keep in mind environment. Children who are ADD/ADHD need structure more so then the average child. They do best when they can predict what is going to happen. This is also just natural human nature. They need set schedule. You know it is set when the child can tell you next what you should be doing. I know this is hard to do, but when done they do great. Then, slowly incorporate changes slowly. Plus, because they have problems focusing they need you to write things down. Make a list and help them follow it. This helps them mentally to control the ADD/ADHD. Walk them through the process of following the list. Plus, if you do this slowly they will do it to. This makes them feel accomplished working on their self esteem and helping them to understand their illness.
3/21/2008 5:04:07 AM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Baltimore, MD
age: 51
omga fats fish oil
3/21/2008 7:40:13 AM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
my son has ADHD and many more disabilities.
i have my hands full, but i agree with alot of you here that if you just take your time with them. they come out on the top of things a lot better.
3/21/2008 1:43:47 PM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
So true it requires every bit of patience that I have and then some......but I just tell her I'm her personal assistant...as a joke of course. Agree with the structure and the list - I do that and always have. I guess sure yeah I could throw her on drugs....but man I have seen some real horror stories from the meds. thanks to all of you that replied. I will just continue to have patience and lots of love.
3/22/2008 7:21:54 AM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
My oldest son has ADD/ADHD. they do not grow out of it. They learn how to control some of it. Its a very hard road dealing with ADD/ADHD. Much love and understanding one must have towards a child with it. Found as long as they like what at hey are doing its all fine. Concentration and forgetfulness is always a problems!He was put on meds but not the upper kind..it did help him. If a child has sleeping problems you cant give them drugs that have speed effects in them.
Just keep loving and helping is all you can do and alot of watching over.
3/22/2008 7:28:01 AM |
Anyone know of any natural cures for ADD/ADHD? |

Fulton, NY
age: 28
you got it ...foxy!