3/13/2008 4:16:37 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
A little humor don’t get your panties in a wad!
This is a great explanation of the tax rebate program recently enacted by Congress. If you don't understand how it will work maybe this explanation will help:
50,000 people went to a baseball game, but the game was rained out. A refund was then due to the ticket holders.
The team was about to mail refunds when a group of Congressional Democrats stopped them and suggested that they send out the ticket refunds based on the Democrat National Committee's interpretation of fairness.
Originally the refunds were to be paid based on the price each person had paid for the tickets. Unfortunately that meant most of the refund money would be going to the ticket holders that had purchased the most expensive tickets. This, according to the DNC, is considered totally unfair. A decision was then made to pay out the refunds in this manner:
People in the $10 seats will get back $15. After all, they have less money to spend on tickets to begin with. Call it an 'Earned Income Ticket Credit.' Persons 'earn' it by having few skills, poor work habits, and low ambition, thus keeping them at entry-level wages.
People in the $25 seats will get back $25, because it 'seems fair.'
People in the $50 seats will get back $1, because they already make a lot of money and don't need a refund. After all, if they can afford a $50 ticket, they must not be paying enough taxes.
People in the $75 luxury box seats will each have to pay an additional $25 because it's the 'right thing to do'.
People walking past the stadium that couldn't afford to buy a ticket for the game each will get a $10 refund, even though they didn't pay anything for the tickets. They need the most help. They are either lazy or think that society owes them for just being born. Sometimes this is known as Affirmative Action.
Now do you understand?
If not, contact Representative Nancy Pelosi or Senator Ted Kennedy for assistance.
3/13/2008 10:00:07 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
put it to rest. Im a democrat and im getting a rebate fund by that???QQQQ!!!!!! president of ours. How kind, how just simply kind of himmmmmmmm....yayyyyyyy i am in a higher tax bracket this year. Are you mad because we control the house and the senate now? I take it you are a republican. You must be. Actually if Hillary is the presidential nominee i will vote for McCain. I do not like what she did to Barack Obama. It was racist, it was wrong, that man was beaten down, and it is just disgusting how race took over this whole entire nation. If Barack is the nominee, well then wohooooooo, we have nothing to worry about. We dont need a BUSH#3 in office. Amen.
[Edited 3/13/2008 10:00:23 PM]
3/13/2008 10:12:31 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
So if we gave only the richest people tax breaks that gonna help us as a whole?
Trickled down economics doesn't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
3/13/2008 10:47:13 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Marble Falls, TX
age: 58
Give the tax rebate Back if your not happy DAMMIT but I earned mine and am keeping it !!also happy to get it .I gaurantee it won't happen under a democratic presidency But bigger taxes will.you can sure tell who the poor gimme people are in this group!!
3/13/2008 10:50:26 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Las Vegas, NV
age: 29
Good luck barbaque when the Dems get in they will just demand it back
3/14/2008 6:04:44 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
Bella: I guess your panties are in a wad? The president only signed legislation that the democrat controlled house initiated. And the fact of the matter is that’s a fairly accurate explanation of the way it is being distributed. And President Bush is a fine man and his heart is in the right place. He certainly does not deserve or has earned that kind of disrespect. A big part of what’s wrong with this country is this very disrespectful exchange that goes on a daily basis between “but mostly coming from the democrats” our politicians. It does not accomplish anything other than it drives the wedge deeper and deeper between us all. This is our country god damnit and this has to stop. Until it does nothing will get settled. Obama seems like a mild mannered man that could help with this situation but he has many unanswered questions in my book and he is lacking in experience. He has run his campaign in a decent and respectful way and I admire him for that. I also know that McCain has always been a reasonable and respectful person to other views and he has a long history of this and for that matter is much more qualified to take this position than Obama is. I have absolutely no respect for Hillary. I believe she is a fake and is in it for the power trip.
3/14/2008 6:14:08 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Gilbert, AZ
age: 25
Maybe we should all become millionairs so we all get the benifits?
3/14/2008 6:19:19 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Elkhart, IN
age: 48
Too bad you are not running for office Oh thats right you all sound alike....
GB was not the one that came up with this plan it was the Dems that presented this Idea to BUSH he told them make it a bill i will sign it...
The problem is in a higher tax bracket just means ya get more back gee Go figure ya complain when there is too much taxes and complain when ya get more back.... So lets see that is a double standard and really selfish
3/14/2008 6:19:43 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
Typical: I am for keeping my hard earned money and making my own decisions with it. I do not need the government doing what they think is best for me. Everything big government has touched they f*ck it up. And the fact of the matter is that the rich people in this country do pay most of the taxes. Half the country pays very little or none at all. And you go ahead and get that job from a poor person. I doubt you will find one.
3/14/2008 11:56:11 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Elizabethton, TN
age: 18
Where is the Goverment going to get that money? (Not that I won't spend mine)!!!

3/14/2008 12:14:23 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Black Canyon City, AZ
age: 48
So many people can't afford to pay the "income" tax now, and so they're just not filing anymore. Millions of Americans! Now, what we see is a bribe straight from the IRS to keep paying taxes we don't owe.
3/14/2008 12:24:27 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Arlington, TX
age: 41
peaceseekeraz, sounds like you found out that title 26 is a tax on fishing lures...People have a better chance to go exempt and file a "0" return.
Using that extra income on a paycheck can be nice, but also very dangerous when the government turns their heads when the feds come for you.
Wesley Snipes was acquitted of tax fraud but was convicted of failure to file taxes
[Edited 3/14/2008 12:28:38 PM]
3/14/2008 1:18:57 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

The Colony, TX
age: 50
berryman Although our politicians are spending money faster and more than they take in my return is coming out of some of the thousands I paid into the system last year. All of the PORK being pushed is sickening and needs to be stopped. Our congress is out of our control. The arrogance from most of these people makes me sick. I would like to see a better tax system in place that is fair to all. Our system is so convoluted and complicated nobody understands it.
3/14/2008 4:06:30 PM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Black Canyon City, AZ
age: 48
They borrow the money from China to further enslave us and our children. It's a multi-purpose deal, they win, we lose.
3/15/2008 8:52:15 AM |
Upcoming Tax Rebate Explained |

Willard, MO
age: 43
Right...we have borrowed like 260 billion from China...we will soon owe them our first born...good thing its not our 2nd born...
I got a letter on the tax rebate yesterday...income over $75,000 will recieve nothing...
PS I'm sure Wesley paid good lawyers, good money to get charges reduces with NO JAIL time...