Glasgow, MT
age: 61
UE---Urban Exploration--in a rural manner.
This post is dedicated to any and all who remember the old Glasgow Air Force Base, near Glasgow, Montana. In the late 1950's through the early 1970's there was an Air Force Base here. The Army Corp of Engineers built it. It consisted of about 1200 homes with all of them filled with enlisted men, their famillies and officers with their families. There are duplexes, townhomes, single family homes that were officers homes. Now Boeing has taken over the flight strip and the buildings and it is totally secret, off limits, guarded and there are cameras. They test aircraft there.
The homes are a good bit away from the flight strip and are about 10% rehabbed and occupied. The homes that are rehabbed are beautiful and built like the you-know-what.
Towards the north within walking distance are the foundations of homes that were removed and transported on flatbeds to another location 45+ years ago. I don't know why or where to. Here are some rural UE photos I took of these foundations today---with my new camera.
It is a wonderment to me that this happened. This place gives me an errie feeling like a ghost town. There are sidewalks under the tall prairie grass and roads I can see but no one else can, unless they walk it. I wonder who the wives and mothers were; did they stand outside in the summer mornings and gossip? What about their children...I can see toddlers riding their trikes up and down the sidewalks while their mothers talked and their fathers drove to the base up the road.
Here are the photos of the foundations. The tall tree is growing within the foundation of the one place. It is a full gown tree...
