3/15/2008 7:01:10 AM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
I need some input about this??? I lost my spouse in Aug of cancer,im ready to go out and see the world some lol...and see where it takes me.
3/15/2008 1:42:24 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
I lost my fiance' in June '06 to cancer. It's rough. You just have to keep telling yourself that he wouldn't want you miserable. Another thing that I learned is to not compare any new interest with your spouse. They will be totally different people and the living can never live up to the memory of those lost. I hope this helps......Mike
3/15/2008 7:51:46 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
thanks Mike thats helped alot made me cry......sry i am very emotional person sometimes.... ill remember that.
3/16/2008 7:45:24 AM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |

Decatur, IL
age: 45
I'd say yes there is Life. There's gonna be that period of time where you have to emotionally adjust to the loss of the spouse. But in my case it's a divorce so now I just try to keep working towards the future. Not dwelling on the it sucks or life's harder point of view. I've had a number of personal and occupational setbacks since the whole split happened and the this line of thought has helped me greatly.
It's really impressed me how much my teenager has opened up about life and how much better we get along and work together since she's left.
Also in my case I've tried to be amicable with my spouse just to make the whole situation easier, but I also try to keep any conversation to the point. Friendly banter is not real possible with her right now.
I feel for you folks losing loved ones to illness, but you're right they'd want the best in life for you.
3/18/2008 6:55:14 AM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
im hangin in there and takin it day by day....my kids r doing well, better then they was before.I know only time heals. I appercaite any input or suggestions. 
3/21/2008 6:41:06 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Farmington, IL
age: 47
Catrina, Anytime you need someone to talk to, I am here. If you ever need to talk in person, let me know. I care.. Mike
3/24/2008 10:35:25 AM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |

Champaign, IL
age: 50
Sorry! thats a bad way to lose someone! But you will know when your ready to start over again. You have to move on and find new happiness. life is too short.
3/24/2008 5:18:11 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
awwwww ty mike i just might take you up on that..... ty neal i believe im ready 
3/28/2008 1:50:32 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |

Willow Springs, IL
age: 59
hi i lost a sister and brother to cancer still grieving,,,, but heres a funny one for ya devorce? hell no i been married 5 times all when i was young and dumb they all paid for the devorce just to get me the hell outta their lives lmao but iam a diiferant person now took me forever and a day and 25 yrs alcohol a drug free to get the message.. (still tryn to get it lol) but that why i got them damn a** blues.(with laughter) you well heal and move on in your own time... good luck to you and god bless you   
3/29/2008 5:12:40 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Marine, IL
age: 66
Life with a precious loved one starts from the minute you laid eyes on them. In my case I was 13..Married him at 19..He was my soul, breath, sight, and foremost the beat of my heart. He died from a melanoma tumor that was in his eye(didn't know it) it spread to his liver. We had from 1/3 to 3/14 of 05 to deal with this. God love him .. he said to me one day I wish I would have married you at 15.. Well the sweet man would have died of starvation! I really knew zip about cooking except roast.taters, gravey. & burgers. simple i'd say.When he died I just tore into everything around here to keep from thinking. On the 3rd year anniv. of his death this past winter it hit me like a lead ball how depressed I was. I cannot tell to anyone how to deal with death, but it sure took me awhile to open my heart to see if someone could come into my place in time. It's time to rotate and move into a new way of thinking. But one thing I notice when one becomes a widow (single) couple friends don't invite you ..and things become empty. This is an attribute to loneliness. Were do we fit in? At 66 anyway..it's a different world and seems to be young minded for many. Life is what we have inside ready to share with others. I am a people person and I feel this has kept me mentally stable. I have a business where I deal with people but there again it's not dating. I dated a man who was older..I was not ready for him in my life and felt an injustice into telling him why he didn't mesh with me. I just was not ready. You will know when you are. We all have much love to give & share but it has to be willingly given with all our hearts. Don't accept something that's not real.... God Bless and courage will help....
3/29/2008 7:41:52 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |

Streamwood, IL
age: 31
Hello, I lost my husband 4months ago. He had Cancer and I have a two year old. I was married for 8 years. My husband was only 31 years old and sometimes I think it's not fair. I know life is not fair but I am only 3o years old. I am so tired! emotionally, mentally and physically between workng, maintaing a household and takeing care of this two year old. Does it get better?
3/30/2008 1:46:57 PM |
Is there Life after divorce or death of a spouse?????? |
Villa Grove, IL
age: 42
well my husband was 43....and left me with 3 kids......it took my kids a few months to adjust....but we r doing better everyday.My oldest doesnt want me dating yet., but im ready to do something.It will get better in time, ive redecorated my house since he passed away, but i still keep his pics around for my kids sake.if you ever need to chat im here and a very good listener too just keep yer head up and do the best u can my friend