9/20/2007 7:01:36 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
all pshychics are fake when you call the first thing they ask is what your credit card number is so if they were they would already know that
9/20/2007 7:18:55 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Lincoln, IL
age: 35
25.....no!it is our imagination that inspier us to act on our thoughts.people create things that unknowingly do harm to the whole world.for example think of five thing that cars,thrucks,and motorcycles are good for and 3 things that they cause harm,and see which out weighs the other.then ask you yourself,what was going on in the head of the one's who thought of such things?the devil says to the world she help create for you that you have the right to free thought,and you most be able to accept the repercussion behind any indirect effect produced by an event or action of you own imagination. 
[Edited 9/20/2007 7:35:00 AM]
9/20/2007 8:14:16 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Owatonna, MN
age: 40
faith is spiritual - not mental. all humans are born into spirituality and are connected to each other. our minds, thoughts, vanity, greed and self gratification take diminish and deny or spiritual selves.
When I start feeling unaccomplished, I will remember
that loving myself is the greatest accomplishment of all.
"I used to believe thinking was the highest function of
human beingsā¦ I now realize loving is our supreme function.
The heart precedes the mind."
Lois Remembers, p.196
9/24/2007 7:59:28 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
well i do not know about that but the bible says that they are bad news in 1 samuel it tells the story about how king saul went and saw a medium the bible calls her the witch of endor and he thoughtr he saw samuel now the problem with that is that samuel was dead and the bible says that we are not suppose to communicate with the dead i guess some of you are like "well bass it appears that God is trying to keep us from having fun"of something like that
[Edited 9/24/2007 8:09:33 AM]
9/25/2007 3:06:27 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Duncansville, PA
age: 42
if god loves everyone equally...and god makes man to make choices i do believe that god loves them the same.......
9/25/2007 7:16:42 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i agree with you bass you seem to have a good handle on things and you are right if they truely were psychic they would know what your credit card number was lol
9/25/2007 7:47:57 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
The original question was NOT "do you think the people on the other end of the 1-900 psychic lines are fake"... I think most people know that they are. The original question references whether God inspired astrologers and psychics, which is what most people here have answered. I think it would be silly to think that any person with any kind of so-called 'psychic' or prophetic gift can answer whatever question man deems he wants to know - otherwise we'd all win the lottery. Those with that kind of gift are given it by God (for Satan cannot see the future and therefore cannot give to someone else that which he does not have); and therefore knows what God decides he/she should know and use it in the way God directs them.
Part of the problem, I believe, is that after all the publicity of TV psychics, some people expect ones with a true gift to behave the same way - that is logically unsound and by no means a "test" to decide if they are real. As with any subject, if one TRULY wants to hear opinions on a subject, then one TRULY has to open their mind and TRULY hear people's experiences and views.
9/25/2007 7:56:45 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
not just the 1-900 psychics but mediums and palm readers
9/25/2007 11:18:08 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
He we go with Bass taking over the religion forums again.
9/25/2007 12:19:41 PM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 65
Our beliefs don't matter its what the Bible says that matters.So for whats its worth heres my belief---Saul got a woman with a familiar spirit,and she she did call Samuel back from the dead so they do have power,but only (including the devil) what power GOD gives them.GOD sets before you every day good and evil,You only have to live one day at a time.So just choose the good and only GOD will put an end to the bad astrologers & pshycics.If you want to know any thing ask GOD.(How do you ask GOD).Look it up in the Bible its in there any thing you want to know and its true!(The truth will set you free)
9/27/2007 7:10:10 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
i do not know what you are talking about queenofhearts i am not bass i am mashmaniac and i just created my profile a couple days ago i assure you bass13 and myself are two totally different people
9/27/2007 7:33:06 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Knoxville, TN
age: 28
queen mashmaniac and i are not the same he is new i have been on here wel for long as i can remember many months
9/27/2007 8:18:29 AM |
does God aspire astrologers and pshycics |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
In all of mankind, there are false prophets, people with ulterior motives, does
not mean a psychic is a phony. We all have an inate psychic ability built in.
Some of this ability can be further developed, with others they have been like
this all their lives...it was the way God created them..I agree with j that
if satan exists, he does not have the ability to create, it seems in life, there
is always an opposite of something, we have God, the opposite is Satan, we have
hot versus cold, love versus hate and so on. So does God inspire Psychics
well, the word inspiration from which inspires comes from can also mean in-spirit,
to be filled with...we all have God within us...we are all in spirit.