Los Angeles, CA
age: 60
Please post pics of your home defense weapons here.


Vancouver, BC
age: 40
Nice BB-Gun Dude..............

Calumet City, IL
age: 55
very nice, quite a handfull but I won't put mine up, I like them to be surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hudson, MI
age: 48
Thats not a gun mate this is a gun Dan Wesson 445 supermag[URL=http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk313/kirkllnn/SnowmobiletrailerandUP041.jpg] [/URL]
[Edited 3/21/2008 3:05:53 PM]

Arlington, TX
age: 41
I store a glock 9 and some others toys, but you guys might get a kick out of these...
Seburo C-X: The most advanced machine pistol on the market,fires a 5.7mm w/30 round clip

For the ones who believe out of sight is out out of mind (me!) You'll have to love these sweet ladies of the range!!!
The Anzio 20 mm & 50 cal.
The Anzio 20 racks a healthy price tag of 13k but shows it charm with down range accuracy and damage. Add some cherries to this cream pie with a $3200 Suppressor.
3000 yard range
1600 grain bullet
3300 ft per second
weighs 39 lbs.

Proctorville, OH
age: 44 online now!
Don't have any pics but in a holster behind my headboard is a CZ75 Police model 9mm with 2 16 round mags. I also have a nice old 12g sawed off double barrel nearby.