Garner, NC
age: 22
oh and as far as Coleman yea he was a good champ back in liek 1943 but lets be honest he cant hold his own anymore PERIOD and as far as lesnar and I dont even like the guy being a poor tv star hes f**king rich now and has been for a very long time idk maybe the last 7yrs and than even more like I said b4 the UFC sux as HW he will be chap I promise you that!!! and I hate to say it!!!
Chicago, IL
age: 19
This is to all those people who don't know that much about MMA. Mark Coleman is a legend in mma who won two UFC tournaments, first ever UFC heavyweight champion, Pride 2000 GP open weight tournament winner, and ufc hall of famer. Brock Lesnar will do very good in UFC. In his last fight he dominated Heath Herring. Brock is an a**hole, but he doesn't suck. All those people who talk crap on the computer and say Coleman and Lesnar are weak, we know the people saying that can't last thirty seconds against either of them.
[Edited 8/28/2008 2:42:22 PM]