Lapeer, MI
age: 35 online now!
I just left Michigan for Florida from a small airport in Flint. Lining the way to the security check point was a large group of freedom riders and vets. They held American flags to support an even larger group of men, and women leaving their friends and families behind for Iraq. It gave me the chills and really put into perspective just what our soldiers sacrifice for our great country. Please remember these people, everyday...

Denver, CO
age: 61
They were here in Denver some weeks ago.Really impressive. I thoughtI only got those chills when I here Anchors Aweigh and Marine Hymn, but I sure got them when I saw them. County and I joined. We have them in our prayers everyday.

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
How wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!!

Los Angeles, CA
age: 44
Thanks for the warning. 