3/27/2008 8:00:11 AM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Lubbock, TX
age: 53
Im looking some people who has the Lap Bands now, or who's had it and removed it for complications, if theres people who have it and is doing well that will to talk with me about it. 
3/27/2008 8:18:50 AM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Wyandotte, MI
age: 46
Being it's a somewhat new procedure it's going to take awhile before there's enough data on many side effects, which i beleive will be far less than the gastric bypass, that is an awful procedure that has messed up many in many ways, i should state that i work in the health field, we have 5 patients at our clinic now who are either done with, midway, and one who had some problems arise ( very minimal, and it was because of some old hernia scar tissue), the couple who have already had them removed had complete success and rave on the procedure they are completely happy with it all around, one is a diabetic and definitly a non-compliant patient i have reservations on how this will work for her, and the gentleman with the scarring, is not deterred, he was more than ready to have them go back in and do what they had to, to repair things because of hernia tissue that prevented things from adhereing properly.. hope that helps,,,, but all i've heard are raves from patients, and he said she said conversations..... take care and GBU
3/28/2008 2:22:06 AM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Cody, WY
age: 65
I just joined this site and just now saw this topic. I'm getting ready to have the gastric bypass surgery done. What are the complications you've heard about? From what I understand there's lots less than with the lap band. I'd like to hear from several people regarding this. I too have diabetes and the doctors think it will help that a lot!! Thanks, Lin
3/29/2008 12:22:13 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Chatsworth, GA
age: 61
i understand the gastric bypass has a lot more complications than the lap-band... there is a risk of hemmogeing, etc, and that it is a very dangerouse procedure. have you done your homework? by-pass is only a 20. min procedure done with laser, and 4-little holes...look on the health website and it will show you pictures... good luck...
3/29/2008 6:24:28 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Madison, IN
age: 55
a gal i know had the bypass, the dr said it wsas best for her. so and she has lost 135 and they are starting skin removal. she was about 400-450 and short. i have also had much problems all my life with weight, on off on off . 3 yrs ago istarted walking go tup quickly to 4 miles everyday. then come in and do richard simmons. love how i felt and looked. but things changed and now i have put it back on. i do emotional eating. i lost 58 pds in no time and did not change my eating habits. the inches fell off
3/29/2008 6:28:49 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Madison, IN
age: 55
sorry got interupted. i am now working with richard simmons again. i do find it fun and in a week or two will walk again. i need to quit abusing myself. i would not mind weighing 250 pds if i was a size 12!!! if i did not walk i would do 2 simmons back to back. i felt great and again could kick myself for going back to bad habits. my biggest downfall is the cokes!!!! best to you in what ever you decide. i will pray for you.
3/29/2008 6:30:19 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Pulaski, TN
age: 44
For great information about gastric bypass surgery in many different forms, including the lap band procedure, check out obesityhelp.com
I know several people who have had different forms of gastric bypass surgery - 3 of them family members - to varying degrees of results! PLEASE research thoroughly before having any gastric bypass procedure!
It is SO NOT the "easy way out" as people say. I have seen family and friends go through certain degress of hell to accomplish what they have done and NONE of it was easy!
God bless you and be with you on your journey! If this is what you choose, I wish you great health and success!
RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!.........and check out that website!
3/29/2008 8:43:11 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Chesaning, MI
age: 31
I am two years post-op as a Gastric Bypass patient. I had the full blown open surgery. My only complication is/was vitamin issues, but nothing that can't be resolved with a daily dose of natural vitamins. I do have an abdominal hernia, but that will be fixed when I have my plastics in April. It was not an easy decision, nor an easy recovery the first few weeks post op, but I feel fantastic. If you saw my before pictures, you would not know I was the same girl. I have family members who do not know me now and have walked past me in the grocery store without blinking an eye. It's an amazing journey.... but one that took me a whole year to research and think about before I actually went through with it.
Looking back, it was the absolute best decision I have ever made in my life and I personally would do it again. PLEASE follow everyone's advice and do your research, talk to your doctors and make certain all your ducks are in a row before you make a decision. If you'd like to contact me off this forum, you can message me. I am an open book and I have no problems answering questions or sharing my experiences.
God Bless you...
3/29/2008 9:05:51 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Cody, WY
age: 65
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. You must feel wonderful and you certainly do look great!! God Bless You!!
3/29/2008 9:13:52 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Cody, WY
age: 65
Thanks to you all for your input. I have done a lot of research and it looks like It is almost a matter of life and losing my eyesight and/or feet- legs, etc. So I'm more than ready. Again Thanks and God Bless you all, (Keep thopse cards and letters coming lol)
3/31/2008 11:22:05 AM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Walpole, MA
age: 19
I haven't actually had a procedure done myself, but a woman who I'm very close to opted to have the lap band procedure done just after Christmas. I see her several times a week, and she was doing everything for pre-surgery prep just the way her doctor had instructed her to (having to be on a liquid diet while everyone else eats Christmas dinner cannot be easy, but she did it!).
The surgery itself went fine, and she was sent home on time. A couple days later she was finding that she couldn't keep down anything (she was still on a Dr.-instructed liquid diet) so she returned to the hospital for a 48-hour stay while they rehydrated her body. She came home again, but only felt well for roughly 24 hours. She returned to the hospital and was informed that the area around the port had become infected and that they would have to replace it. When they got her into surgery, they found that they entire system was infected and they had to remove everything.
Today, her scar is still healing and she is just beginning to do the things she used to be able to do.
My only point with relating this story isn't to scare you, but to give you an instance of a risk. When this woman opted to have the surgery it had been touted to her as a procedure with little to no risk or side effects and she never expected to have what happend happen.
4/1/2008 1:08:55 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Chatsworth, GA
age: 61
you are right..... and AGE my friends... is a BIG factor... i wish the lady all the luck and prayers in the world....      
4/3/2008 10:42:52 AM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Chesaning, MI
age: 31
Thank you very much!! I do feel great... I am a whole new girl and my own free agent, of sorts.
I received a phone call yesterday on my way out the door for church from a producer with CNN. They are coming to Michigan next Thursday to spend the day with me and tape an interview for a program they air on the show on weekends that focuses on healthy living and weight loss. I am very excited about having the opportunity to tell my story and hopefully give encouragement to someone who can identify with my former self. I'll keep you all posted on when it will air.
Yes, this is no late April Fool-er... CNN is really going to air my story ! 
6/4/2008 8:17:50 PM |
Lap Bands is there truth for success or misleadings |

Marblehead, MA
age: 36
I have also had the open bypass, 7 inch incision and 27 staples later. I did all the research and the teachings before my surgery and knew all the dangers of going through with it and felt that it was the best thing for me. The dangers of staying close to 200 lbs overweigh was greater then the dangers of having the surgery done, as all the studies siad that I looked into. I know during my looking at all the study reports they seemed to say "small percentage....." or if you don't follow the diet.....this will happen. Some also talked about weight platueing and/or gaining after 18 months..... I knew all this going into it and promised myself that if I did everything the doctors said to do, I would be fine and I would be a success story. Now don't get me wrong, I am not trying to talk anyone out of this proceedure or any other weightloss proceedure, but weigh out the downfalls of it and if you can handle those as well. Don't be like me and say if I just do this.... then all will be good.
I am one of 13 % that had problems that can't be corrected and it is because of nothing I (or the doctors) did or didn't do. At 8 months out I still had difficulty eating anything but soft foods or anything more then 1/4 cup amount. I had lost over 100 lbs and was still loosing fast to the point they were concerned my organs may be at risk due to malnurishment. I am now 19 months post op and have lost 153 lbs, so my weight loose has finally slowed down. I still have a great amount of pain when I eat any solid food along with many other issues. My body is just not adjusting to the surgery and my doctor and I are left scratching our heads. Every medication they try that could help me causes some other side effect that is just as bad, LOL.
If I could go back 1 1/2 yrs ago with the knowledge of that time, in all honesty I don't know if I would do it again. I am so happy with the weight loss, I can now run around with my kids and play (shhhhh don't tell my doctors, LOL) and I dont get red faced and almost pass out when I try to bend over and tie my shoes, LOL, but the last 1 1/2 yrs and the knowledge that there is little right now that can be done, I just don't know. I am staying positive that the doctors will find something that will help and try everything they come up with in hopes it will work. I look forward to the day when I can eat more then 4-5 small bites in one meal or even to be able to eat more then 2 meals a day, without it having to be a 2 oz liquid meal.
Good luck to you and to all concidering weight loose surgery. I wish you God's Blessings and no problems.