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3/27/2008 5:54:53 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
The thread was closed due to my lack of a response. I regret that, but was into more writing than I bargained for, so I am going to re-open it now.
If anyone wants to join in, offer opinions, pose questions, etc., ---great.
I had ended the last thread with the coming of the Eightfold Path...
The Noble Eightfold Path
Begins with eight 'intentions'
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livlihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfullness
8. Right Concentration
These are more involved that the For Noble Truths, but follow them and enhcnace them a great deal.
1. Right View---
This is the ability to understand things as they really are. Seeing things in our personal lives as they really are and seeing the world as it really is, including the people in it and the actions they take on a large or small scale; what everyone does to a degree, effects us all in some way. When we observe the actions of others, awakened souls or just people, our world leaders and our children (who minic us all the time) we are able to discern right view from the opposite.
2. This leads in to Right Intention.
Right Intention is the ability to see the world as described above, and to now begin to practice a new way of living: the awareness of others, animal ans humans, and the ethical treatment of both, including plant life. Right Intention gives us, allows us, to accept the right view of wisdom and committs us to an ethical action in our personal daily life.
Now it gets a bit sticky----
3. Right Speech
This is the first principle of the ethical behavior of the Eightfold Path. You must preform ethical condust to be able to uphold this first principle.
This means you must abstain from lying, fabricating or enhancing an event--in other words, no lying. We all lie. Most of us tell 'white lies'. This is a choice we make and when we do, we must decide if it is intentionally harmful to another or a saving grace for another. Personal decision here. This is a real toughie to stick to. I find myself doing it every now and again just to save someones' feelings.Usually the matter will not change the apth of the world, so I justify it. Is this strict and is it right?? My personal call, just like it will be for you.
Right speech also means no harsh words. Things can be said in a manner that is freeing and gentle to another, rather than mena, angry and harsh. Case in point: a small child hears harsh crude and course words daily, this changes who he is. Better to give him the right to choose by being a kinder mentor to him. It lies within each of us to choose how we wish to be remembered,how we wish to impact the world. One small deed you preform can change a life and have a lasting affect on a human life.
Finally, Right Speech means no idle gossip, chatter, just to make noise, or to be heard. How many hours do you spend just on the phone with friends talking about mostly nothing of value? Your thoughts and ideas will have more impact when spoken gently, firmly with compassion and love one time, then if you chatter away about how you think things should go, what you want to occur, and what you think. You needn't spend time going over how you are right (ego) and everyone else should see things your way. They aren't going to anyway, so you are wasting your tiem which equals your life! You could be rock climbing, taking a bubble bath, donating time at the animal shelter, hiking, making love.....instead of indulging in purposelessness chatter with no depth.
4. Right Action
This is the 2nd ethical principle of the Path. It encompasses the concepts of behaving in a manner that does not harm sentinet beings, no stealing, and abstaining from sexual excesses and the plights thereof.
Not harming sentinet beings brings us to the point of not going out of our way to pull the wings from flies type stealing goes beyond just not raiding someones home and taking the family jewels; it also means no hijacking music, written words and ideas...
Sexual excess...well some do and some do not. this is your personal call for you. But going deeper it also gets into sex slavery, selling children for sex, prono in anyway, and explotation of anyone for sexual uses by another. THIS IS A HIGHLY MORAL ISSUE.
5.Right Livihood
Meanong living in a manner that is morally ethical, not encouraging unnatural states of being. Drug use, driving undeer the influence, things such as these and more can be considered here. If you are living a lifestyle that has been adopted already, to be ready and willing to do what it takes to change that for a healthier more balanced way of living.
Now it gets tough,  
6. Right Effort
The Work. This is what it takes to begin the Path. Work, concentration and focus, plus much desire.
It is the shedding of the unskillful, unnecessary attachment to fear, hate, judgement, and other limiting thoughts and behaviors. You learn to develop skills within yourself to maintain this lifestyle and that comes with practice through meditation.
Develop the ability to "pay attention" not only to others, but to the the 'silent observer' of your own thoughts and actions as you go through your day. Step back and away and observe how you deal with people, difficult situations, stress.
You will be surprised how you might see yourself.
7. Right Mindfullness
To see things as they really are with no delusions--if you are in a crumy relatinship and you really know it, then do something---no false consepts about 'waht might happen in the future" (remember, there is only the Now) This is to teach us a manner in which we are abloe to observe OUR own thoughts and watch were they mentally take us. This allows us to understand out past mistakes and allows us to raise the bar on on behavior.
8. Right Concentration
A clear sincle minded leel of intense forcusedness that gathers all thought to be forcused on one single point. Right concentration is achieved through meditation. a concentration point or chant, mantra, to keep the thought empty, one learns to 'keep the bowl empty'.
No thoughts. Just the Now.
Tha't it, folks, a la Bugs Bunny. 
A lot to take in, hard to do so take one ting at a time and devote yurself to that.
3/27/2008 11:54:53 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Ann Arbor, MI
age: 61
I deeply appreciate these insights. These comments should have been continued by the webmaster in your original thread. Excellent! Thank you.
3/28/2008 3:49:20 AM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
4/1/2008 9:05:48 AM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Thank you for continuing this thread, I enjoyed reading it. I have studied Buddhism and would like to suggest to you to check out the Toltec teachings, if you haven't already. Their four agreements are very similar to the principals laid out here, but conveyed a little differently. I believe that you would enjoy them.
Thanks Charmie. BTW the Toltecs were like the druids in a lot of ways, the keepers of knowledge.
4/2/2008 9:21:52 AM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Thanks, I will do that. I am decended from Robert the Bruce on one side and the other side i am Irish...ancestors were Irish Travelers. I guess that explains my urge to move every couple of years when I was young. Not anymore, tho.
Glad you read the thread...
4/2/2008 2:27:14 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Cornell, MI
age: 21
I too enjoyed reading your reflection of the eightfold path. I think this is a fine way to disseminate information. And I agree with Akashaman, I have read the four agreements and feel like they are right on and easy to comprehend and remember, yet constitute a world of meaning and a lifetime of work.
The four agreements:
Be impeccable with your word.
Don't take anything personally.
Don't make assumptions.
Always do your best.
Incidentally charmie, Robert Bruce is my x17 great grandfather. I guess that makes us cousins.
Well done, lets keep this thread going.
4/2/2008 2:38:16 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Hey, cousin!!! 
4/2/2008 3:00:57 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Cornell, MI
age: 21
I believe in co-incidences as co-existing events that are naturally interrelated. This morning I started reading a book about Robert that I found at the library two days ago.
Sorry to stray from the topic, but I thought that was interesting. Bringin' it back:
"Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be."
4/2/2008 3:17:40 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61

4/7/2008 3:47:38 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
wanted to say that the Dali Lama is one of my all time favorite peoples!
"7. Right Mindfullness
To see things as they really are with no delusions--if you are in a crumy relatinship and you really know it, then do something---no false consepts about 'waht might happen in the future" (remember, there is only the Now) This is to teach us a manner in which we are abloe to observe OUR own thoughts and watch were they mentally take us. This allows us to understand out past mistakes and allows us to raise the bar on on behavior."
hmmmmmmmm, there may be only delusions...those now working out and those not working so well...
do you mean to imply that there is no such thing as hope?
4/8/2008 4:15:14 AM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I too have seen the Dali Lama in an interview and agree with many of the things I heard him say. I think he is maybe one of the wise ones like Jesus or whoever said the words attributed to him.
4/8/2008 1:01:17 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Lexington, KY
age: 33
Awareness Is not the mind.
Awareness is watching that the mind is full of greed, full of anger, full of hate or full of lust, but you are simply the watcher. just watch a little and you will be suprised it comes and goes and you are remaining there unaffected, cool,and calm.
4/11/2008 3:12:00 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
Dalia Lama is in Seattle!!!
4/11/2008 11:15:08 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
The lama I was talking about is in Tibet.
4/12/2008 12:47:38 PM |
Buddhism, times two? |

Saint James, MO
age: 89
nope, Dalia Lama is from tibet...has lived in India for decades since invasion by china...he is visiting Seattle, or was....some national news reporter was interrogating him very disrespectfully and ignorantly!..he handled it very well!