Lillington, NC
age: 51
I am sick and tired of one denomination putting down another denomination.
Where do you folks get the idea that Catholics Worship Mary? That my friends is ludicrous. The Catholics recognize her not worship her, Big deference folks. The only way you can condemn another denomination is if you a proof positive of what you think you know about another, other wise you are in sin yourself by the Gossip and lies you spread, the slander you spread. Think about that and look at how far you yourself fall short. May the church that teaches outside the gospel crumble to the ground in the name of and by the hand of Jesus.

Windber, PA
age: 61
Rich....Why do people think they have to condem other religions, to make theirs stronger? Let us just worship Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and Love Mary his Mother.
God answers all prayers.
You get what you ask for, or What you should have asked for!
"When I want to speak let me think first.
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?
If not, let it be left unsaid."
"Love is due to Mary for her own sake, because she is the Mother of mankind; because above all other mere creatures she has been sanctified by the Holy Spirit; and because in being chosen the Mother of the Incarnate Son, she is the Mother of us all."
God Bless all Brothers and Sisters in Christ......Dolly