Morgan City, LA
age: 53
I started this for a friend who'd had a somewhat trying day, but I thought I'd share it with all. We all need a bit of inspiration once in a while.


Cleveland, OK
age: 52
What a wonderful topic Capt.
I hope what I post is close to what
you are talking about
if not , please let me know
"The Storms of Life"
The storms of life they daily come
But Jesus paves the way
To encounter of His love and blessing
And hear all that He would say
The storms of life at times increase
But so His presence is steadfast sure
Imparting wisdom to keep us pure
Whereby His power causes us to thus endure
The storms of life are with us every day
But His power releases that which brings us through
So look steadfast to the Savior
Whereby His peace and presence giveth hope
By Charlotte TransformedbyJesusChrist

Morgan City, LA
age: 53
In the overall presence of God I believe as your poem says, that the storms in life are sometimes intended to bring us closer to Him.
This particular incident, to me, on a much simpler level, shows God's love for all of his creation.
We were the only vessel within a 50 mile radius because most captains will either stay in port or head for safe harbor before a storm. My decision to “ride it out” tied to an oil platform was based on many things, but mostly that it would have been more dangerous to re-enter the river. It meant that my boat was well out into the Gulf after the storm while most others were still in port.
If those two gulls had flown anywhere else they would not have found the “safe island” of my decks.
What caused them to fly the path that brought them to my deck instead of a path 10 miles away? How could they have known that the captain of that ship is a lover of all animals and would have allowed them to rest unmolested.
There have been times in my life I have felt like those two; too worn out to continue, feeling too “beat down” to see a clear path out of my troubles. But like the two gulls, it is in these last sinking moments that God will lead me to a safe haven, whether physically or figuratively in my mind. A safe haven might be the comforting words of a friend or it might even be a real place momentarily away from my strife, or just a new insight; a new way of looking at the problem.
And like the gulls, lingering a while in this haven helps me to strengthen my courage and faith to continue on. If God will help two lowly and desperate birds from their plight, surly he will help His people in their desperation, more so!
[Edited 4/4/2008 11:07:20 AM]

Cleveland, OK
age: 52
yes it is so awesome to see how God works in our lives
there were times in my life I felt like those two birds
I have been very beaten down. But God will always be there
in the midst of the storm
I find it hard to put things into my own words
and I always find poems and such to express how I feel
and to also hope it helps someone else
I feel like that is how God uses me
hope others will link to this thread
it would be amazing to read stories of how God has brought them thru a storm
God bless you capt