London, KY
age: 45 online now!
I am looking for other peoples opinion and thoughts on the following. and, mind you these are just our opinions. so read the quotes carefully!
The one thing that all of us must do in life, is to take responsibility for our actions and the actions effects on all others. Because, if you don't, you might as well be a leaf.
As a leaf, you are at the mercy of the wind.
You must first take to the ways of a warrior. As a warrior, you must pick your own battlefield. If one isn't available, then you must make one.
The making of a battlefield is easier than making your way through life.
A person must also make his or her way in the world and their own destiny.
We all make our own destiny to a degree. And for us to do that, WE must first take the responsibility for our own decisions!
[Edited 4/5/2008 11:32:31 AM]

Mansfield, TX
age: 46
And as such is the duality of Nature...taking responsibility for your Destiny rather than behaving like a leaf in the wind.......we must also accept the fact that we cannot push the river.....& Trust that the Universe is behaving accordingly. JMO