4/14/2008 8:42:08 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
greetings! this is for all DHU Asatru to i guess to form a online kindred on here.
please no political stuff.
4/14/2008 10:39:37 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
we are as in time of old,
before our gods,
our friends of times long past,
O wise Odin hear our calls
and be with us,
Hailasa Odin Valfather!
Hailasa Odin Valfather!
and Hailasa my blood brothers and kindred as well!
4/15/2008 2:39:04 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Jefferson City, TN
age: 25
And hail to you fellow keeper of the Elder Troth!
I raise the Sumbel horn to all the Folk!

4/15/2008 10:45:43 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Salisbury, NC
age: 21
Frey & Freyja we seek guidance in the quest to find mates.
Balder and Thor give us the strength of eons for your might works through us.
Strong we will be on our journey and the wooing of a partner.
Mighty Allfather Odin we seek your wisdom may the mead treat us well, may we be greeted kindly my Mimir.
Through great sacrifices we too shall gain knowledge.
Come to us Alfar and Idis share your ancestral knowledge and work good with us.
For many a great blot is to be held yet!
As Heimdal guards Bifrost road so shall we merry heathens be with mate and child!
For this work is the purpose and shall all ancestors and Gods alike smile on us when the two become one 
To you horns shall be toasted!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses!
Hail the folk!
Hail LOVE!

May gebo find you well with the one you love!
[Edited 4/15/2008 10:48:22 AM]
4/18/2008 12:49:50 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
it warms my heart as well as my ancestors for the alfater to bring another kindred as
ye here.
the sleeping wolf rearleys get a bone or a sleeping man get a victory.
the fir tree withers on a dry knoll without shelter of bark.
and needles:
soo does a man who whom no one loves.
and with out a kindred
4/18/2008 12:51:19 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
has anyone read Temple of Wotan?
[Edited 4/18/2008 12:53:24 AM]
4/18/2008 12:08:29 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Jefferson City, TN
age: 25
I have not. Who is the author? Is it available online anywhere?
Also, if you have not been there you may want to visit this site:
There is a wealth of Heathen literature there, mostly in .pdf format.
4/19/2008 11:27:01 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
yes brother, its Ron mcvan have the authors name
you can find it on amazon. com but that will cost you twice as much
. e-mail me I'll give it to you. his address. its a PO, box
the author's address. i don't give out personal info.
Rites of Odin is another good one you should check out.
[Edited 4/20/2008 1:31:56 AM]
4/24/2008 12:00:08 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
well I'm trying to keep this thread alive. and seek other kindred
4/24/2008 8:19:09 AM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
the reason you are alone is because most thinking people do not need to grab hold of some crazy new messiah, we have had enough of others thinking for us spiritually.
4/24/2008 2:59:15 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Fairview Heights, IL
age: 47
The only true 'messiah' is yourself! The Bible is damn good fiction. Certainly not a book I would profess to.
Hail to Hugin & Munin, the ravens of Odin (and later Myrddin), my ancestors.
4/25/2008 6:29:29 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
hey cant any one read???? this is for heathens only?
i guess hooked on phonics didn't work for some people and neither did grade school cause you would know that heathen are one of the oldest religions in the world
and we don't bow to the gods and we know we don't need a messiah . i would think you learned that in grade school's my 81 year old grandmother stills remember it.
[Edited 4/25/2008 7:01:42 PM]
4/25/2008 9:43:13 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I do not have any religion, not an athiest, just say I do not know if there is a god and no way to prove either way.
By the by I was the one that kept asking for this forum until it became a reality.
4/25/2008 10:16:14 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
well again you missed the point. this is for heathens! HELLO? IS ANY BODY HOME???
you ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT ASKED FOR THIS FOREM! so don't take all the credit.
[Edited 4/25/2008 10:16:45 PM]
4/25/2008 10:26:38 PM |
Hailasa all! Asatru DHU kindred |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
witch seeing that you find your self not welcome many places on here and you ce5rnanaley not a heather, so that brings me to my next point. why are you here except for the fun of stringing the pot?????.
Odianism is as old if not older then Buddhism Hindu and are grade school history lessons? so why are so so uneducated or ill informed?
[Edited 4/25/2008 10:26:50 PM]