Richfield, UT
age: 37
Any of you into baseball??? I know Salt lake and Ogden have farm clubs, do any of yall go watch them??? I predict the Angels winning the world series, hoping the store bought Yanks fall on their ***, Yes Miss Yanks, they are goin down!!!!!

Roy, UT
age: 27
well i am really not into baseball but i have been to the ogden raptors game before its pretty cool but if i had to pick a team it would be florida marlins

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I love baseball, I played all the way into high school but I really don't like watching it on TV. I really like watching it live, I really like watching the young kids play locally. To them its still a game, not about money. The Yankees' have really exploited the game!!! C'mon Yanks I know yer readin this haha.

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 40
Oh yes it is, and one of the funnest farm clubs I have seen is right here in Utah. I am new to the area and have been a bit of a hermit. The one thing that I have taken the time to do is getting way into the Salt Lake Bees. What a great facility, fun team, and cheap entertainment.
Hope to see ya'll out at the ball park. If anyone is interested in catchin a game, feel free to email me. Maybe we could turn a weekend into a a motorcycle poker run, ending at the ball park????? I am always lookin for a good excuse to ride with a group and I now think I have found one.
PS Bees are 11 and 1 I think we have a good team on hand this year.