4/16/2008 12:28:59 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Sparta, GA
age: 35
Let me know what kind of tatoos you have. I myself have 4 all disney related. Jiminey Cricket, Shar Kahn, Ballou the bear and Pinocchio. Tell me what ya got.
4/16/2008 4:12:47 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Frederick, MD
age: 42
I have pics in my profile of some of mine...
I have:
an eagle
a shark
a dragon down my calf circiling kanji
a tree on my other calf
my name across my shoulders
kanji on my chest circled by "Faith Hope Love"
6/21/2008 6:25:45 PM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Augusta, ME
age: 31 online now!
well i have 5: a wrist band of skulls with a skull with spider legs just above it, a tribal inside my right forarm, a dragon with the year i was born inside my left forarm, an all black devils face from the inside cover of a Porno For Pyros album on my shoulder, and a psychadelic butterfly with skulls and pentagrams in the wings.
6/21/2008 8:40:10 PM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Fredericksburg, VA
age: 21
well i have four tattoos and getting at least one more but dont know of what yet. my favorite one is the one on my left should it is two dolphins with tribal like around it and above and below it is my children's names. my next one is a tribal heart on my lower back. on my right ankle is a rose with a ribbon that has my kids dad name and also on my butt is his nickname with a heart with a devils tale.
6/22/2008 5:00:35 PM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Avonmore, PA
age: 28
I have 3 tats
I have a heart with warrior feathers behind it and DAD inside the heart,it is on my ankle
I have a big dreamcatcher on my left shoulder,that runs from my shoulder almost to my elbow
I have a heart with barbed wire and a rose dripping blood on my other shoulder
Tats are cool

6/23/2008 7:55:52 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Whitby, ON
age: 22
Felix smiling on my right shoulder.
Cat paw on each wrist.
Edward Scissorhands on my right calf. (taking up about half the calf, yay big tat)
Sign for Sagittarius, right ankle.
Sign for Jupiter, right ankle as well.
Going to get a cartoon quarter sleeve on my right arm. (Adore cartoons)
A horror movie montage on my back.
A tribute to Tim Burton movies will go with Eddie.
Left calf will have a tribute to the rest of Johnnie Depp's movies.
Want a John Water's tribute tat.
(Can ya tell I love movies, at all...)
Turtle on my left foot.
And there are many more ideas.
6/25/2008 8:54:38 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Gilford, NH
age: 23
hmmm lets see got a half sleeve of double koi on my right arm got a jap symbol on the inside of both wrists a dragon sinking a 3 mast ship on my other arm my daughters name an bithday on my chest my sons name in old english going down the back of my arm . an aries symbol wih a a ram in fire on the back of my neck . my intials in old english going down the other arm . an if anyone has ever seen the modern romeo an juliet the heart with rays of sun an fire with a crown floating on top i got that on the top of my arm with my wifes an my name in it thats it i think lol
7/2/2008 1:11:36 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Williamstown, NJ
age: 30
1. nj with star in the middle its on the back of my neck me and 2friends have the same tat
2. fairy with no face lol on my uper back
3. heart on my lower back (trampstamp)
4. heart on my foot well kinda on the front of my ankle/foot
5. bow between my boobies (this is my fav one so far) if you look at my profile i have a pic of it on there i think
Working on a idea for a back piece thinking bout i want is taking forever tho cause i want the whole back done eventually so need it to be exactly what i want!!!
7/2/2008 7:25:55 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Rio Rancho, NM
age: 33
I have 3 tats.
1) Danzig skull right arm, I gt it right out of basic training in 1993.
2) 'Landshark' on my left pec, I got this one as a going away present from one of my friends when I got out of the Army.
3) Family crest on my right back/shoulder, I got ths the same time my mom got her first tat.
I have pics of the first two in my profile.
7/3/2008 10:45:43 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Monett, MO
age: 30
I only have two right now. a 4 horsemen peice on my right shoulder and a celtic circle on my back. I have a guy designing a chest peice (heart ripped out design) for me and I have plans for a full back (ahnk with celtic knots and parents faces on each side). Also need to get something on my left shoulder to even myself out (have no idea). I just feel like I look lopsided right now. Its just cheaper and quiker to get the peicings that I want right now so as soon as I'm done with those I'll move onto the ink again.
7/6/2008 7:06:50 PM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Washington, DC
age: 41
I have 9 but my most meaningful are my ankle tats full bands that look like charm bracelets. Hurt like heck lol.
Kanji down the back of my neck
Stars and lines behind my ear
Eyes on my lower back
Three you cannot see if I am just wearing shorts 
My right shoulder has a huge Ownership marking
7/16/2008 8:16:58 AM |
Your tatoos and your favorites |

Baconton, GA
age: 42
I have just one of a wolf (hurt like hell.... part is right on my lower tailbone) And I want to get more done to it.....