Sycamore, IL
age: 51
I clean house and then mid morning take a nap.
this is on my days off.most of the time just lay there till
i get back to sleep.
Fairview Heights, IL
age: 48
I read til my eyes get heavy.

Downers Grove, IL
age: 38
Togot, lay off the cid man LOL!
I drink a beer or two, smoke another cig, play WPT texas hold'em on cell phone, watch TV, get on here or my-space, listen to music, take a crap. 
That there is funny, I don't care who you are! 

Champaign, IL
age: 50
Have a few pulls and play with myself. 

Herrin, IL
age: 59 online now!
Insomnia is very serious. I am not an expert on medical situations and insomnia is one of those. I have been an insomniac for over 40 years. I do know that when I was suffering from the condition not much was known about it. I was a teenager and was drinking soda for the first time. You have got to realize the time I am talking about the, early 60's. I know this is the "Age of Aquariaus" but it is also the end of the age of "Ozzie and Harriet". For us early teenagers, who were still a little wet behind the ears and who have never had caffeine introduced into their bodies; when I started drinking soda pop, I became an insomniac. I tried and tried to go to sleep, but no way. All I accomplished was tossing and turning. Then getting up and walking around and then going back to bed to beat the pillow and toss some more. Sound familiar? Insomnia can and does cause depression; I don't believe depression necessarily causes insomnia. I think insomnia is caused, for most of us, by what we introduce into our bodies. JMO